Magnetic Materials


The Magnetic Material Group (MMG) is part of the X-ray Science Division (XSD) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS).

Our research focuses on the study of magnetic, electronic, and structural properties of condensed matter systems using x-ray scattering and spectroscopy techniques. The group currently operates 4 beamlines at APS sectors 4, 6 and 29.


4-ID-D: Hard X-ray Magnetic Spectroscopy

Beamline 4-ID-D operates at hard x-ray energies (2.75 - 40 keV), and provides polarized x-rays using phase retarding optics. It is used for magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and magnetic scattering experiments, including at extreme pressure conditions.

6-ID-B,C: Resonant and In-Field Scattering

Beamline 6-ID-B,C operates in the 4-35 keV energy range. Station B station houses a general purpose psi-diffractometer for resonant scattering. Station C is dedicated to scattering experiments in high magnetic fields.

6-ID-D: High Energy Scattering

Beamline 6-ID-D is the high-energy( 50 - 130 keV) scattering station on 6-ID. This beamline uses a superconducting undulator as its x-ray source. This station is used primarily for materials characterization using area detectors.

29-ID: Intermediate Energy RSXS & ARPES

Beamline 29-ID is an intermediate energy (200 -2000 eV) beamline designed for Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering (RSXS) and Angle Resolved Photoemission (ARPES) measurements. This beamline was recently commissioned and is accepting general users.

All MMG beamlines offer time to outside users through the APS proposal system. If you are interesed in performing an experiment, please feel free to contact one or our staff.