Beamline 4-ID-D

Researchers used XAS/XMCD measurements at beamline 4-ID-D to probe the spin and orbital moments, as well as spin-orbit coupling, in 5f states of Pu in ferromagnetic PuSb. While Pu 5f electrons are usu...
Researchers used XAS (4-ID-D) and resonant XRD (6-ID-B) to study the role of electron-lattice coupling in the metal-insulator transition (MIT) of rare-earth nickelates by controlling lattice distortio...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C
Researchers used single crystal XMCD measurements at beamlines 4-ID-C and 4-ID-D to show presence of itinerant ferromagnetism (Tc ~ 100 K) in the As 4p band of K-doped BaMn2As2 which is not associated...
4-ID-C, 4-ID-D
Researchers used resonant XRD (6-ID-B) and XAS (4-ID-D) to probe emergence of a “Polar metal” at the strained interface of an oxide heterostructure in an attempt to accelerate discovery of multifu...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C
Researchers used XRD (6-ID-B) and XAS/XMCD (4-ID-D) techniques to probe the effects of dimensional confinement in manganite/iridate superlattices with an eye at enabling all-oxide spintronics...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C
Single crystal magnetic diffraction measurements at 4-ID-D were used to investigate the magnetic characteristics of a helical spin-order phase preceding a recently discovered pressure-induced supercon...
Layer by layer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville physicists are exploring the frontiers of tuning material properties down to the atomic level. Experimenting with the stacking pattern of superlattic...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C
Actinides are a series of chemical elements that form the basis of nuclear fission technology, finding applications in strategic areas such as power generation, space exploration, diagnostics and medi...
A team of researchers used a combination of high-resolution structural imaging, magnetic domain imaging, and dichroic spectroscopy on three separate x-ray beamlines at the U.S. Department of Energy’...
4-ID-D, 26-ID-C
Two-dimensional (2-D) crystalline films often exhibit interesting physical characteristics, such as unusual magnetic or electric properties. By layering together distinct crystalline thin films, a so-...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C
A new material created by Oregon State University researchers and characterized with help from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a key step ...
Sometimes a good theory just needs the right materials to make it work. That’s the case with recent findings by University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s physicists and their colleagues, who designed a...
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B,C, 33-BM-C
Jarosite, a hydrous sulfate mineral exhibiting unusual magnetic behavior, has intrigued scientists in a range of fields from planetary science to inorganic chemistry. Interactions between iron ions in...
4-ID-D, 13-BM-C, 16-ID-B
Some New and Unexpected Wrinkles in a Spin-Triplet Superconductor Under Pressure: The quest for novel superconducting materials can lead to unexpected places, such as the compound uranium ditelluride...
Magnetic-like Vortices and Cycloids Observed in a Ferroelectric Material: Under the right conditions, some ferromagnetic compounds can generate magnetic whirlpools, spirals, and a special type of mag...
Understanding the Flow of Spin Currents Across Interfaces: Researchers trying to make smaller, faster computer processors and other devices have for some time been looking to spintronics. . To advanc...
Using two flat-top diamonds and a lot of pressure, scientists have forced a magnetic crystal into a spin liquid state, which may lead to insights into high-temperature superconductivity and quantum computing.
4-ID-D, 6-ID-B


Beamline 4-ID-D is operated by the Magnetic Materials Group in the X-ray Science Division (XSD) of the Advanced Photon Source.

It's primary research focus is on magnetic spectroscopy measurements at energies between 2.7 and 30 keV.

  • X-ray magnetic circular dichroism.
  • Magnetic x-ray scattering.
  • X-ray magnetic reflectivity.
  • Extreme pressure conditions.
Local Contacts
Yongseong Choi (Magnetic Reflectivity, XMCD) 630.252.2271
Joerg Strempfer (Magnetic Scattering) 630.252.2281
Gilberto Fabbris (XMCD, High Pressure) 630.252.7034