The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Lesson Module A-3: The On-Shift Floor Coordinator - pg 3

After successfully transferring the shift, various concerns will keep the on-shift FC busy.
Unfinished Business The shift may start with the FC attending to any unfinished business from the previous shift. For example, the FC should visit beamlines who had difficulties during the previous shift. This helps to facilitate cooperation between the users and the new on-shift FC.
Tour the Experiment Hall  The on-shift FC should have a physical presence on the Experiment Hall Floor. During your shift you should make one (or several) trips around the ring. When the shift is relatively quiet, tour the ring to view beamline cabinet information (LM A-10), look for any safety or operational problems, and acknowledge user groups. The FC should try to become acquainted with CATs, XSD beamline scientists, and users. This practice will enhance communication with the users in the event that problems arise.
Answer Any Pages The on-shift FC should be prepared to answer all calls to the FC phone. Respond as quickly as possible even when fully involved in another problem. A quick response to the caller at least acknowledges the problem and allows the FC to arrange immediate help for urgent problems. If necessary, ask a colleague in the area to assist; cooperation is one of the strongest values of the EFO group. Several of the most common user requests are listed here:
  • Post Experimental Safety Approval Forms (ESAFs) in the beamline cabinet.
  • Execute Configuration Control Work Permits (CCWPs).
  • Activate or deactivate proprietary experiments.
  • PSS Trips or Faults: FCs may reset trips and certain faults (refer to Standing Orders).
  • Open the front end valve (FEV) and or Beamline Isolation Valve (BIV) for a user: First determine the likely reason that the FEV and/or BIV closed and verify via EPICS screens that the vacuum is now acceptable.
  • Request steering adjustments from the MCR Operators via the APS Steering Request page on behalf of beamline staff. Steering requests may be in the vertical (up, down) or horizontal (inboard, outboard) direction and are typically angular corrections in the beam measured in microradians (urad). A user may request up to 50 microradians in any given direction per shift before additional approval is required from a storage ring manager. Occasionally a user may request a translational shift, measured in microns. Translational shifts are uncommon and may require approval from a storage ring manager.  Beamline staff may also request beam optimizations and gap scans to be performed by MCR Staff.
  • Correct Insertion Device (ID) irregularities: Sometimes a user is unable to operate the ID. The FC may access the ID control EPICS screen and set the ID gap or restore user control. If the ID is in "System Manager" mode or does not respond, assistance is required from an ID system manager.
Additional Problems The FC must make clear and prudent decisions in order to limit downtime for the users. If additional support is needed, call support people listed as being on-call. It is important that the FC be able to correctly characterize the situation and call the correct support person. The FC should obtain as much information as possible regarding the problem prior to initiating the call, especially during off-hours. The FC should log all activities as soon as practical so that the sequence of events may be analyzed later. 
Hint: Sometimes it is useful to carry a small notebook to record events that later may be recorded in the shift log.
Log Entries The FC should make appropriate entries in the Shift Log. Entries include (but are not limited to) ESAFs, CCWPs, shutter authorization actions, PSS faults, FEV closure/opening, steering adjustments, ID irregularities, APS enable/disable activities, status of radioactive or other hazardous material sample operations, and any problems that require a call to a support person.
Note that the Shift Log is available to anyone world-wide who may stumble onto the link. Please use discretion when entering log entries. Log entry text may not be edited once submitted. Limit entries to statement of fact and maintain an impersonal account.
Shift Turnover Prepare a verbal or written shift summary for the next on-shift FC or the MCR operators. This need not be complicated, but should list the major occurrences that may be passed on to the next shift.