APS Detectors

The Advanced Photon Source (APS) is committed to the needs of its user community. One of the most important ways in which the APS demonstrates this is by providing world-class data collection capabilities. To this end, the APS provides maintenance and support for commercial detectors and associated detector engineering services, and has a well-rounded detector research and development porfolio that pushes the boundaries of synchrotron data collection.

Detector Pool

The Detector Pool maintains detectors available for loan within the APS. It provides many different types of x-ray detectors, including area detectors, spectroscopic detectors, point detectors, and scintillator and visible light detectors. In addition to support and maintenance, the Detector Pool is also responsible for controls integration for these detectors.

  • A list of Detector Pool detectors may be found here.
  • To reserve a detector, visit the reservation page.
  • For issues related to Detector Pool detectors, page the on-call staff member at 2-9490 or contact dp@aps.anl.gov.
Dedicated Beamline Detectors

Many beamlines have dedicated detectors appropriate for specific scientific data acquisition needs. These detectors are maintained by the Beamline Controls (BC) group. In addition to support and maintenance, BC is also responsible for controls integration for these detectors.

  • For issues related to dedicated detectors, contact your BC sector contact.
New Detectors and Software

Thinking of obtaining a new detector or looking for new software support for a detector? The APS Beamline Controls group and the APS Detector group can help pick the best detector for an application and provide cost and effort estimates for software development and controls integration. APS XSD management determines priorities for this work in line with the APS facility plan and strategy.

The APS relies heavily on the areaDetector software package from the Center for Advanced Radiation Sources at the University of Chicago. A list of supported detectors for the areaDetector package can be found here.

Detector Research and Development

The APS Detector Group pursues R&D activities aimed at enabling unique detector capabilities not commercially available. The current initiatives include superconducting detectors, hybird pixel detectors, germanium strip detectors, the Fast CCD project, and beamline electronics. Each development is linked to scientific strategic goals of the APS, as well as leveraging local detector initiatives (i.e., superconducting cosmology detectors at ANL/HEP/UChicago and ASIC development at Fermilab). This serves to provide a well-balanced R&D portfolio.

Click here to learn more about detector R&D at the APS.


Help! My detector doesn't work. What do I do?

If your detector is from the Detector Pool, page the on-call staff member at 2-9490 or contact dp@aps.anl.gov.

If your detector is a dedicated beamline detector contact the beamline staff member assigned to you, or the Beamline Controls group sector contact.

How do I reserve a detector from the APS Detector Pool?

To reserve a detector, visit the reservation page.

How do I see what detectors are availablein the APS Detector Pool?

A list of Detector Pool detectors may be found here.

How I do I get support for my detector?

If your detector is from the Detector Pool, page the on-call staff member at 2-9490 or contact dp@aps.anl.gov.

If your detector is a dedicated beamline detector contact the beamline staff member assigned to you, or the Beamline Controls and Data Acquisition group sector contact.

My group is considering purchasing a detector. What should we purchase? How do I know which detector is best suited to my application?

The Beamline Controls and Detector groups will work together to advise you. Detector group staff have contacts with many detector vendors and have a good sense of whis is available now and in the near future. They can share market research of detectors for specific beamline applications, and serve on review/design committees regarding detector procurement. The Beamline Controls grou can provide cost and effort estimates for software development and controls integration.