XSD - Feedback & Improvement

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Concerns and Resolutions


DEEI (electrical inspectors) should meet on a more regular schedule.

  • As the APS Electrical Safety Committee Chairman it has come to my attention that the APS DEEIs do not have a forum to communicate and share knowledge. I am proposing one meeting per run or two per year for all APS DEEIs to attend, starting with a meeting before the coming Aug-Sept shutdown.


Create a discussion board to improve communications among staff and users. Possibly with some of the following features: web app (might be preferred) or website, this can be directly linked/related to APS users portal; posts labeled with tags: e.g., by sector, beamline, techniques, operation, safety, etc. This will help users find the information and discussion of interests; app user can subscribe a customized collection of tags and get email alert at a desired frequency



Make it easier for people how to call for after hours custodial support.

  • After hours custodial support can be obtained by calling the Custodial Foreman @ 630-863-0169. Request through the Custodial & Grounds Hotline (2-2706) or Vector are monitored during normal working hours.


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