2002 Beams and Applications Seminars

Ultra-Precise Phase Control of Ultra-Short Pulses - December 7th

Jun Ye, JILA, NIST, Univ. of Colorado


Emittance Compensation in High Brightness Photoinjectors: An Introduction - November 22nd

Massimo Ferrario, INFN-LNF


Bunch Shape Measurements in Ion Linacs - November 8th

Alexander Feschenko, Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow-Troitsk


Optically-Pumped Polarized H- Source for the RHIC Spin Physics - November 4th

Alexander Zelenski, BNL


X-ray Visions of Fuel Sprays - October 25th

Jin Wang, ANL-APS


Introduction to Compton Backscattered Polarized Photon Facilities - October 4th

Gerald Feldman, Geo. Wash. University


Recirculating Linear Accelerators for Neutrino Factories - August 2nd

Eberhard Keil, CERN


Status of the Tevatron Collider - June 7th

Vladimir Shiltsev, FNAL


Beam Halo Formation in High Current Mismatched Proton Beams - May 21st

Thomas Wangler, LANL


Abstract (pdf)

Beam Stability, Driven by the Science - April 12th

Michael A. Green, University of Wisconsin


Abstract (pdf)

High-brightness electron beams from photoelectric needle cathodes - April 9th

Charles Brau, Vanderbilt University


Measurement and Simulation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects on Electron Beams - March 29th

Michael Borland, APS/AOD


Abstract (pdf)

Accelerated Radioactive Ion Beams at TRIUMF: Present (ISAC-I) and Future (ISAC-II) - March 15th

R.E. Laxdal, TRIUMF


Abstract (pdf)

CLIC - A 3-TeV Linear Collider - March 1st

Frank Zimmermann, CERN


Superconducting cavities for free-electron lasers - February 20th

Lutz Lilje, DESY


The VISA Experiment: an Ultra-Short Gain Length, Saturated, Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission FEL - January 30th

James Rosenzweig, UCLA


The Next Linear Collider Design - January 23rd

Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC


Abstract (html)

B&A Seminar chair:

2002 - 2003 J. Power, HEP
2001 - 2002 Z. Huang, ASD

ASD Beamline Seminar Schedule By Year