The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Sector 4 SPEC Commands (Macros)



Call sequence

Dichroism Macros
dsetE Sets diamond phase retarder theta for a given energy dsetE energy(keV)
dsetEpr1, dsetE pr2 Sets PR1 theta for a given energy dsetE energy(keV)
dmoveE Moves mono energy and tracks diamond PR dsetE energy(keV)
adichro One motor dichroism scan dsetE energy(keV)
a2dichro,a3dichro Multiple motor dichroism scan dsetE energy(keV)
dichromesh Nested motor dichro mesh scan dsetE energy(keV)
hdichro,kdichro,ldic H,K,L dichroism scans dsetE energy(keV)
Edichro Set limits for motor lm mot high low
dichro_setup Set motor position to given value set mot val
Edichro2 Energy dichro scan with different energy intervals Edichro2 E1 E2 E3 E4 n1 n2 n3 time
qxdichro Energy dichro scan with multiple energy intervals qxdichro2 EdgeE time
kepdichro kepko current dichro scan kepdichro start finish steps time [hyst]
kepdichro2 kepko current dichro scan with three intervals kepdichro2 I1 I2 I3 I4 n1 n2 n3 time [hyst]
kepdichro_rem kepko dichro scan in remanence kepdichro_rem start finish steps time
Edichropeak Edichro fixQ scan peaking up motor @ each E Edichropeak Es Ef stps t pmot pdel pstps
Edichrorock Edichro fixQ scan rocking motor @ each E Edichrorock Es Ef stps t rmot rdel rstps
cplot_dichro_flip Prints a plot of signal and flipping ratio cplot_dichro_flip
cplot_dichro_diff Prints a plot of signal and difference. cplot_dichro_diff
lock (scan) Starts a lockin scan lock ascan strt finish steps time
dlock (scan) Starts a digital lockin scan dlock ascan strt finish steps time
sr400_init Initializes SRS400 for scans sr400_init preset periods gatew gated
cplot_lock Prints a plot of the DC and lockin signals cplot_lock
cplot_dlock Prints a plot of the sum, flip, and difference signals. cplot_dlock
pzt_osc_on(off) Turns on (off) PZT oscilations pzt_osc_on
pr_track_on(off) Phase retarder track in E (on or off) pr_track_on
Kepko Macros
kepkoI Move a motor to a position [with updating] mv mot pos
kepkoV Move a motor relative amount [with updating] mv mot del
kepko_on[off] tweak a motor [2 motors]. tw mot dist
kepscan Show all motor positions wa
kepscan2 Show position of specific motor wm mot
AMI Magnet Macros
amifield Singe motor absolute scan. ascan mot start finish steps time
a2scan, a3scan, a4.. Multimotor absolute scans. a2scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 steps time
EXAFS Macros
qxscan Energy scan using fixed q steps above an edge ascan mot start finish steps time
qxscan_setup Used to define qxscan parameters a2scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 steps time
ascan Singe motor absolute scan. ascan mot start finish steps time