The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS-UES Meeting Minutes - 03/13/2017

Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Bruno Fieramosca, Nena Moonier, George Srajer, Clay White, Shane Flood, Wendy VanWingeren, and Patti Pedergnana

Bruce Glagola

  • There was a problem in ESAF and training where each user’s training showed “pending upload.”  There was a problem with the overnight training record transfer, but this was corrected.
  • Clay will attend the shutdown planning meeting on Wednesday morning.
  • There is an Enterprise Assessment occurring at the beginning of April.  They will look at biosafety, ESAF, and Work Planning and Control.  They will assess the machine shops as well.  The assessment group will be coming back the third week of April during the start of shutdown to observe shutdown activity.
  • The ANL newsroom released an article on reporting our hours the weeks of 3/13-3/26.  This week’s hours have to be approved by Monday, 3/20, at noon.  Next week’s hours have to be approved by 3/22.  Beginning Wednesday, March 22nd, at noon, Dayforce will be locked out for the system to be transferred.  During that time, templates and copy from last week Dayforce functions will not be available.
  • Bruce spoke with Dean about his surgery and recovery.  He will be out until April 7th.  Clay will take Dean’s weekend of 4/8-4/9.

Clay White

  • Clay discussed submitting RMDs after we get a warning from PSS.  Bruce will ask Greg Markovich to join our next meeting to decide how to handle RMDs.

Shane Flood

  • S23 asked if we could sign for dry shippers on the weekend.  Bruce does not want the group to sign for any shippers.

Nena Moonier

  • There is an upcoming BSL-2 audit but it is likely that the APS BSL-2 lab in 438E030 will not be audited.  Nena did a walk-through of the laboratory just in case it is visited, and will perform one more walk through before the audit occurs.  Beamline personnel want the lab floors scrubbed and sealed, and a fume hood sink’s water leak repaired.  Bruno arranged for FMS to do this work.  It will take up to three days.  Nena said that the beamline personnel would have to decontaminate all surfaces before FMS comes in the lab.

Bruno Fieramosca

  • Jim Ricks is listed as the 432 machine shop coordinator but was unaware of this.  He will be contacting Clay about the issue.

Wendy VanWingeren

  • There may be two radioactive sample experiments starting tomorrow at 6-ID-D and Sector 10.  Wendy does not have information on when samples may be arriving.