The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS-UES Meeting Minutes - 02/09/2016

Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Dean Wyncott, Shane Flood, Wendy VanWingeren, Clay White, and Patti Pedergnana

Bruce Glagola

  • The shutdown close out meeting is tomorrow at 9:30, and Bruce will attend.  Bruce asked if there were any mentionable issues at start up.  Dean mentioned a few PSS faults that occurred and also that many FEVs/BIVs that were not open at start up.
  • Bruce is bringing explosive samples to 32-ID later today.

Clay White

  • Clay said the MCR had an issue with 16-BM entering numerous small special steering requests on the first day of the run.

Wendy VanWingeren

  • J. Stubbs is running radioactive samples at 13-BM-C starting tomorrow.  One of her two packages arrived and will be set up today.

Shane Flood

  • 1-ID had a PSS watchdog timer failure over the weekend.  Shane coordinated a repair with the SI group.