The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS-UES Meeting Minutes - 8/18/2015

Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Bruno Fieramosca, Nena Moonier, Wendy VanWingeren, Shane Flood, Dean Wyncott, and Patti Pedergnana

Dean Wyncott

  • Dean is going to post an Administrative Restriction for 35-ID to only take chopped pink/white beam into the D and E stations.The fast shutter/chopper makes it so that only about 2% of normal beam makes it downstream.
  • There will be white beam taken into 35-ID-C tomorrow.The HP type C surveys will be done then.

Wendy VanWingeren

  • Wendy had the mobile security group visit her yesterday.They investigated her cell phone usage and security.

Nena Moonier

  • Tech Tuesday is today.Bruno will go to 431 and Patti to 433.
  • Greg Markovich had questions about the new RSS procedure.Wendy and Patti will train as RSSEs with the role eventually expanding to all Floor Coordinators.Wendy and Patti will meet with Markovich and Banks on Thursday morning.