
A set of Python software tools for analysis and visualization of 3D X-ray fluorescence data sets.


X-ray fluorescence (XRF) imaging typically involves the creation and analysis of 3D data sets, where at each scan position the full spectrum is recorded. This allows one to later process the data in a variety of different approaches, e.g., by spectral region of interest (ROIn) summation with or without background subtraction, principal component analysis, or fitting. Additionally, it is possible to sum up the per pixel spectra over selected spatial ROIs so as to improve the photon statistics in such a spectrum. MAPS is a Python open source software package that implements these functions to provide a tool set for the analysis of 3D XRF data sets.

Started in 2001, MAPS serves as the main analysis tool for XRF micro-probes at the APS. It features analysis methods for elemental maps, spectral, spectrum, and non-negative matrix data. It operates in batch mode, and also has an interactive GUI. Originally written in IDL, the analysis code was re-cast in Python.

Please Note: This software is being deprecated in favor of the XRF-Mapper tool.


MAPSPy has been developed as a collaboration between the APS Scientific Software Engineering & Data Management group, the Microscopy Group, and Mirna Lerotic of 2nd Look Consulting. In particular, Arthur Glowacki, Stefan Vogt and David Vine have been the main contributors. This project has been produced using operational funding from the APS, contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.