Proposal Review Panels

Proposal Review Panels

Regarding Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality

Conflict of Interest (COI):

As a Proposal Review Panel (PRP) member, you are obligated to inform the panel chair of any conflicts of interest that may arise with respect to proposals that your panel is set to review. Examples of COIs include:

  • PRP member is listed as a participant on the proposal
  • PRP member is from the same institution as the proposal author(s)
  • PRP member has any commercial or financial interest in the proposed work
  • PRP member has a close personal (e.g., family) and/or close professional (e.g., a former student) tie to proposal collaborators or PIs


Under no circumstances should PRP members discuss any aspects of PRP business outside of the review meetings. PRP members must not communicate with the authors of a proposal at any time during the review process. Any discussion of PRP business must be strictly limited to other panel members and APS staff as needed for technical advice or improvement of the review process.

Training Resources



High Pressure
Dongzhou Zhang, Chair

  • James Walsh
  • Jiyong Zhao
  • Antonio Moreira dos Santos
  • Shanti Deemyad
  • Maik Lang
  • Stella Chariton
  • Bin Chen
  • Wenli Bi
  • Bora Kalkan
  • Jennifer Girard
  • Ross Hrubiak
  • Tim Strobel
  • Anne Pommier

Gary Navrotski, Chair

  • Ayman Said
  • Yu-Sheng Chen
  • Bhoopesh Mishra
  • Hendrik Ohldag
  • Benjamin Twining
  • Balaji Raghothamachar
  • Mingyuan Ge
  • Trevor Willey
  • Tanja Ducic
  • Jigang Zhou

Scattering—Condensed Matter
Sara Haravifard, Chair

  • Matthew Brahlek
  • Kemp Plumb
  • Joerg Strempfer
  • Paul Miceli
  • James Patrick Clancy
  • Jennifer Sears
  • Pat Clancy
  • Jacob Ruff
  • Edwin Fohtung
  • Michelle Jamer
  • Tao Li
  • Richard Sandberg
  • Michael Sangid
  • Ahmet Uysal
  • Mark Daymond
  • Samuel Webb
  • Francesca Casadio
  • Monica Ganio
  • Maria Kokkori
  • Christina Bisulca
  • Ashaki Rouff
  • Yuji Arai
  • Arjen van Veelen

Kyler Carroll, Chair

  • Zhenxing Feng
  • Amani Ebrahim
  • Koffi Yao
  • Debora Motta Meira
  • Jier Huang
  • Lu Ma

Riccardo Comin, Chair

  • Giuseppina Conti
  • Gerald Seidler
  • Alex Frano
  • Christina Rost
  • Yongseong Choi
  • Yu He

David Powers, Chair

  • Ivan Kuzmenko
  • Neal Mankad
  • Mrinal Bera
  • Yuting Luo
  • Xiaobing Zuo
  • Esther Tsai
  • Samanvaya Srivastava
  • Zhe Qiang
  • Robert Moore
  • Chenhui Zhu

Dynamic Compression
Tim Germann, Chair

  • Justin Brown
  • Alan Kastengren
  • Thomas Sewell
  • Alison Kubota

Structural Science
Craig Brown, Chair

  • David Sprouster
  • Peter Khalifah
  • James Kaduk
  • Angus Wilkinson
  • Christina Birkel
  • Jamie Neilson
  • Daniel Shoemaker
  • Jennifer Swift
  • Scott Misture
  • Kirill Kovnir
  • Brent Melot
  • David Billing
  • Jennifer Niedziela
  • Cora Lind-Kovacs
  • Raj Suryanarayanan
  • Alan Goldman
  • Jonah Klemm-Toole
  • Thao Tran
  • Katherine Page

Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Jonathan Pelliciari, Chair

  • Raphael Hermann
  • Hasan Yavas
  • Yue Cao
  • Stuart Calder
  • Alberto De la Torre

Pump Probe
Dugan Hayes, Chair

  • Vankatraman Gopalan
  • Gilles Doumy
  • Elisa Biasin
  • Katherine Davis


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