NST Colloquium - Patterning and Self-assembly on 2D Materials Visualized with In Situ Electron Microscopy

Hybrid: 440/A105-A106 and Virtual
Building Number
Room Number
Frances M. Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Jianguo Wen
Start Date
Start Time
11:00 a.m.

The fascinating characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) materials offer prospects for understanding new physical phenomena and developing innovative functional devices. In situ electron microscopy plays a critical role as it offers the ability to pattern 2D materials as well as to record movies during materials growth on 2D surfaces. I will explore the use of electron microscopy techniques to help us understand growth and self-assembly phenomena, defect formation and structural transformations on 2D surfaces. Control of the sample environment coupled with high spatial and temporal resolution offer unique benefits in these experiments. The ongoing advances in in situ TEM instrumentation therefore promise exciting future opportunities to understand and create complex and useful structures based on 2D materials.

In-Person Location:
Bldg. 440, A105/A106

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