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2. Getting Started

2.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a brief introduction to creating EPICS IOC applications. It contains:

This chapter will be hard to understand unless you have some familarity with IOC concepts such as record/device/driver support and have had some experience with creating ioc databases. Once you have this experience, this chapter provides most of the information needed to build applications. The example that follows assumes that EPICS base has already been built.

2.2 Example IOC Application

This section explains how to create an example IOC application in a directory <top>, naming the application myexampleApp and the ioc directory iocmyexample.

2.2.1 Check that EPICS_HOST_ARCH is defined

Execute the command:

echo $EPICS_HOST_ARCH         (Unix/Linux)
set EPICS_HOST_ARCH             (Windows)

This should display your workstation architecture, for example linux-x86 or win32-x86. If you get an ``Undefined variable" error, you should set EPICS_HOST_ARCH to your host operating system followed by a dash and then your host architecture, e.g. solaris-sparc. The perl script in the base/startup directory has been provided to help set EPICS_HOST_ARCH.

2.2.2 Create the example application

The following commands create an example application.

mkdir <top>
cd <top>
<base>/bin/<arch>/ -t example myexample
<base>/bin/<arch>/ -i -t example myexample

Here, <arch> indicates the operating system architecture of your computer. For example, solaris-sparc. The last command will ask you to enter an architecture for the IOC. It provides a list of architectures for which base has been built.

The full path name to <base> (an already built copy of EPICS base) must be given. Check with your EPICS system administrator to see what the path to your <base> is. For example:

/home/phoebus/MRK/epics/base/bin/linux-x86/ ...

Windows Users Note: Perl scripts must be invoked with the command perl <scriptname> on Windows. Perl script names are case sensitive. For example to create an application on Windows:

perl C:\epics\base\bin\win32-x86\ -t example myexample

2.2.3 Inspect files

Spend some time looking at the files that appear under <top>. Do this before building. This allows you to see typical files which are needed to build an application without seeing the files generated by make.

2.2.4 Sequencer Example

The sequencer is now supported as an unbundled product. The example includes an example state notation program, sncExample.stt. As created by makeBaseApp the example is not built or executed.

Before sncExample.stt can be compiled, the sequencer module must have been built using the same version of base that the example uses.

To build sncExample edit the following files:

The Makefile contains commands for building the sncExample code both as a component of the example IOC application and as a standalone program called sncProgram, an executable that connects through Channel Access to a separate IOC database.

2.2.5 Build

In directory <top> execute the command


NOTE: On systems where GNU make is not the default another command is required, e.g. gnumake, gmake, etc. See you EPICS system administrator.

2.2.6 Inspect files

This time you will see the files generated by make as well as the original files.

2.2.7 Run the ioc example

The example can be run on vxWorks, RTEMS, or on a supported host.

After the ioc is started try some of the shell commands (e.g. dbl or dbpr <recordname>) described in the chapter ``IOC Test Facilities". In particular run dbl to get a list of the records.

The iocsh command interpreter used on non-vxWorks IOCs provides a help facility. Just type:

help <cmd>
where <cmd> is one of the commands displayed by help. The help command accepts wildcards, so
help db*
will provide information on all commands beginning with the characters db. On vxWorks the help facility is available by first typing:


2.3 Channel Access Host Example

An example host example can be generated by:

cd <mytop>
<base>/bin/<arch>/ -t caClient caClient
(or gnumake, as required by your operating system)

Two channel access examples are provided:

This example program expects a pvname argument, connects and reads the current value for the pv, displays the result and terminates. To run this example just type.

<mytop>/bin/<hostarch>/caExample <pvname> where

This example program expects a filename argument which contains a list of pvnames, each appearing on a separate line. It connects to each pv and issues monitor requests. It displays messages for all channel access events, connection events, etc.

2.4 iocsh

Because the vxWorks shell is only available on vxWorks, EPICS base provides iocsh. In the main program it can be invoked as follows:

If the argument is a filename, the commands in the file are executed and iocsh returns. If the argument is 0 then iocsh goes into interactive mode, i.e. it prompts for and executes commands until an exit command is issued.

This shell is described in more detail in Chapter 18, ``IOC Shell" on page 249 FIXPAGEEREF.

On vxWorks iocsh is not automatically started. It can be started by just giving the following command to the vxWorks shell.

To get back to the vxWorks shell just say


2.5 Building IOC components

Detailed build rules are given in chapter ``Epics Build Facility". This section describes methods for building most components needed for IOC applications. It uses excerpts from the myexampleApp/src/Makefile that is generated by makeBaseApp.

The following two types of applications can be built:

2.5.1 Binding to IOC components

Because many IOC components are bound only during ioc initialization, some method of linking to the appropriate shared and/or static libraries must be provided. The method used for IOCs is to generate, from an xxxInclude.dbd file, a C++ program that contains references to the appropriate library modules. The following database definitions keywords are used for this purpose:


The method also requires that IOC components contain an appropriate epicsExport statement. All components must contain the statement:

#include <epicsExport.h>

Any component that defines any exported functions must also contain:

#include <registryFunction.h>

Each record support module must contain a statement like:


Each device support module must contain a statement like:


Each driver support module must contain a statement like:


Functions are registered using an epicsRegisterFunction macro in the C source file containing the function, along with a function statement in the application database description file. The makeBaseApp example thus contains the following statements to register a pair of functions for use with a subroutine record:


The database definition keyword variable forces a reference to an integer or double variable, e.g. debugging variables. The xxxInclude.dbd file can contain definitions like:


The code that defines the variables must include code like:

int asCaDebug = 0;

The keyword registrar signifies that the epics component supplies a named registrar function that has the prototype:

typedef void (*REGISTRAR)(void);

This function normally registers things, as described in Chapter 21, ``Registry" on page [*]. The makeBaseApp example provides a sample iocsh command which is registered with the following registrar function:

static void helloRegister(void) {
    iocshRegister(&helloFuncDef, helloCallFunc);

2.5.2 Makefile rules Building a support application.

# xxxRecord.h will be created from xxxRecord.dbd
DBDINC += xxxRecord
DBD += myexampleSupport.dbd

LIBRARY_IOC += myexampleSupport

myexampleSupport_SRCS += xxxRecord.c
myexampleSupport_SRCS += devXxxSoft.c
myexampleSupport_SRCS += dbSubExample.c

myexampleSupport_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS)

The DBDINC rule looks for a file xxxRecord.dbd. From this file a file xxxRecord.h is created and installed into <top>/include

The DBD rule finds myexampleSupport.dbd in the source directory and installs it into <top>/dbd

The LIBRARY_IOC statement states that a shared/static library should be created and installed into <top>/lib/<arch>.

The myexampleSupport_SRCS statements name all the source files that are compiled and put into the library.

The above statements are all that is needed for building many support applications. Building the IOC application

The following statements build the IOC application:

PROD_IOC = myexample

DBD += myexample.dbd

# myexample.dbd will be made up from these files:
myexample_DBD += base.dbd
myexample_DBD += xxxSupport.dbd
myexample_DBD += dbSubExample.dbd

# <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp will be created from <name>.dbd
myexample_SRCS += myexample_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp
myexample_SRCS_DEFAULT += myexampleMain.cpp
myexample_SRCS_vxWorks += -nil-

# Add locally compiled object code
myexample_SRCS += dbSubExample.c

#The following adds support from base/src/vxWorks
myexample_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary

myexample_LIBS += myexampleSupport
myexample_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS)

PROD_IOC sets the name of the ioc application, here called myexample.

The DBD definition myexample.dbd will cause build rules to create the database definition include file
myexampleInclude.dbd from files in the myexample_DBD definition. For each filename in that definition, the created myexampleInclude.dbd will contain an include statement for that filename. In this case the created myexampleInclude.dbd file will contain the following lines.

include "base.dbd"
include "xxxSupport.dbd"
include "dbSubExample.dbd"

When the DBD build rules find the created file myexampleInclude.dbd, the rules then call dbExpand which reads myexampleInclude.dbd to generate file myexample.dbd, and install it into <top>/dbd.

An arbitrary number of myexample_SRCS statements can be given. Names of the form
<name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp, are special; when they are seen the perl script is executed and given <name>.dbd as input. This script generates the <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp file automatically.

2.6 is a perl script that creates application areas. It can create the following: creates directories and then copies template files into the newly created directories while expanding macros in the template files. EPICS base provides two sets of template files: simple and example. These are meant for simple applications. Each site, however, can create its own set of template files which may provide additional functionality. This section describes the functionality of makeBaseApp itself, the next section provides details about the simple and example templates.

2.6.1 Usage

makeBaseApp has four possible forms of command line:

<base>/bin/<arch>/ -h
Provides help.

<base>/bin/<arch>/ -l [options]
List the application templates available. This invocation does not alter the current directory.

<base>/bin/<arch>/ [-t type] [options] app ...
Create application directories.

<base>/bin/<arch>/ -i -t type [options] ioc ...
Create ioc boot directories.

Options for all command forms:

-b base
Provides the full path to EPICS base. If not specified, the value is taken from the EPICS_BASE entry in config/RELEASE. If the config directory does not exist, the path is taken from the command-line that was used to invoke makeBaseApp

-T template
Set the template top directory (where the application templates are). If not specified, the template path is taken from the TEMPLATE_TOP entry in config/RELEASE. If the config directory does not exist the path is taken from the environment variable EPICS_MBA_TEMPLATE_TOP, or if this is not set the templates from EPICS base are used.

Verbose output (useful for debugging)

Arguments unique to [-t type] [options] app ...:

One or more application names (the created directories will have ``App" appended to this name)

-t type
Set the template type (use the -l invocation to get a list of valid types). If this option is not used, type is taken from the environment variable EPICS_MBA_DEF_APP_TYPE, or if that is not set the values ``default" and then ``example" are tried.

Arguments unique to -i [options] ioc ...:

One or more IOC names (the created directories will have ``ioc'' prepended to this name).

-a arch
Set the IOC architecture (e.g. vxWorks-68040). If -a arch is not specified, you will be prompted.

2.6.2 Environment Variables:

Application type you want to use as default

Template top directory

2.6.3 Description

To create a new <top> issue the commands:

mkdir <top>
cd <top>
<base>/bin/<arch>/ -t <type> <app> ... 
<base>/bin/<arch>/ -i -t <type> <ioc> ...

makeBaseApp does the following:

2.6.4 Tag Replacement within a Template

When copying certain files from the template to the new application structure, makeBaseApp replaces some predefined tags in the name or text of the files concerned with values that are known at the time. An application template can extend this functionality as follows:

2.6.5 makeBaseApp templetes provided with base support

This creates files appropriate for building a support application. ioc

Without the -i option, this creates files appropriate for building an ioc application. With the -i option it creates an ioc boot directory. example

Without the -i option it creates files for running an example. Both a support and an ioc application are built. With the -i option it creates an ioc boot directory that can be used to run the example. caClient

This builds two Channel Access clients. caServer

This builds an example Portable Access Server.

2.7 vxWorks boot parameters

The vxWorks boot parameters are set via the console serial port on your IOC. Life is much easier if you can connect the console to a terminal window on your workstation. On Linux the `screen' program lets you communicate through a local serial port; run screen /dev/ttyS0 if the IOC is connected to ttyS0.

The vxWorks boot parameters look something like the following:

boot device            : xxx
processor number       : 0
host name              : xxx
file name              : <full path to board support>/vxWorks
inet on ethernet (e)   :<netmask>
host inet (h)          :
user (u)               : xxx
ftp password (pw)      : xxx
flags (f)              : 0x0
target name (tn)       : <hostname for this inet address>
startup script (s)     : <top>/iocBoot/iocmyexample/st.cmd
The actual values for each field are site and IOC dependent. Two fields that you can change at will are the vxWorks boot image and the location of the startup script.

Note that the full path name for the correct board support boot image must be specified. If bootp is used the same information will need to be placed in the bootp host's configuration database instead.

When your boot parameters are set properly, just press the reset button on your IOC, or use the @ command to commence booting. You will find it VERY convenient to have the console port of the IOC attached to a scrolling window on your workstation.

2.8 RTEMS boot procedure

RTEMS uses the vendor-supplied bootstrap mechanism so the method for booting an IOC depends upon the hardware in use.

2.8.1 Booting from a BOOTP/DHCP/TFTP server

Many boards can use BOOTP/DHCP to read their network configuration and then use TFTP to read the applicaion program. RTEMS can then use TFTP or NFS to read startup scripts and configuration files. If you are using TFTP to read the startup scripts and configuration files you must install the EPICS application files on your TFTP server as follows:

Use DHCP site-specific option 129 to specify the path to the IOC startup script.

2.8.2 Motorola PPCBUG boot parameters

Motorola single-board computers which employ PPCBUG should have their `NIOT' parameters set up like:

Controller LUN =00
Device LUN =00
Node Control Memory Address =FFE10000
Client IP Address =`Dotted-decimal' IP address of IOC
Server IP Address =`Dotted-decimal' IP address of TFTP/NFS server
Subnet IP Address Mask =`Dotted-decimal' IP address of subnet mask ( for class C subnet)
Broadcast IP Address =`Dotted-decimal' IP address of subnet broadcast address
Gateway IP Address =`Dotted-decimal' IP address of network gateway ( if none)
Boot File Name =Path to application bootable image (..../bin/RTEMS-mvme2100/test.boot)
Argument File Name =Path to application startup script (..../iocBoot/ioctest/st.cmd)
Boot File Load Address =001F0000 (actual value depends on BSP)
Boot File Execution Address =001F0000 (actual value depends on BSP)
Boot File Execution Delay =00000000
Boot File Length =00000000
Boot File Byte Offset =00000000
BOOTP/RARP Request Retry =00
TFTP/ARP Request Retry =00
Trace Character Buffer Address =00000000

2.8.3 Motorola MOTLOAD boot parameters

Motrola single-board computers which employ MOTLOAD should have their network `Global Environment Variable' parameters set up like:

mot-/dev/enet0-cipa=`Dotted-decimal' IP address of IOC
mot-/dev/enet0-sipa=`Dotted-decimal' IP address of TFTP/NFS server
mot-/dev/enet0-snma=`Dotted-decimal' IP address of subnet mask ( for class C subnet)
mot-/dev/enet0-gipa=`Dotted-decimal' IP address of network gateway (omit if none)
mot-/dev/enet0-file=Path to application bootable image (..../bin/RTEMS-mvme5500/test.boot)
rtems-client-name=IOC name (mot-/dev/enet0-cipa will be used if this parameter is missing)
rtems-dns-server='Dotted-decimal' IP address of domain name server (omit if none)
rtems-dns-domainname=Domain name (if this parameter is omitted the compiled-in value will be used)
epics-script=Path to application startup script (..../iocBoot/ioctest/st.cmd)

The mot-script-boot parameter should be set up like:

tftpGet -a4000000 -cxxx -sxxx -mxxx -gxxx -d/dev/enet0
go -a4000000

where the -c, -s, -m and -g values should match the cipa, sipa, snma and gipa values, respectively and the -f value should match the file value.

2.8.4 RTEMS NFS access

For IOCs which use NFS for remote file access the EPICS initialization code uses the startup script pathname to determine the parameters for the initial NFS mount. If the startup script pathname begins with a `/' the first component of the pathname is used as both the server path and the local mount point. If the startup script pathname does not begin with a `/' the first component of the pathname is used as the local mount point and the server path is ``/tftpboot/'' followed by the first component of the pathname. This allows the NFS client used for EPICS file access and the TFTP client used for bootstrapping the application to have a similar view of the remote filesystem.

2.8.5 RTEMS `Cexp'

The RTEMS `Cexp' add-on package provides the ability to load object modules at application run-time. If your RTEMS build includes this package you can load RTEMS IOC applications in the same fashion as vxWorks IOC applications.

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Andrew Johnson 2018-10-22