EZCA Primer

Nicholas T. Karonis
Argonne National Laboratory
Advanced Photon Source
Accelerator Systems Division
Controls Group
January 1995

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This document provides a quick introduction to EZCA, a library that was designed to provide an easy to use interface to Channel Access (CA). As such, this document is not a user's manual, where a more detailed explanation of EZCA can be found. In short, this document is designed to get users to a state where they can be writing EZCA code as quickly as possible. It is not a document that answers all EZCA questions.

2 Getting Started

Below is an example of a program, usr1.c, that uses EZCA.

/* following needed when using EZCA */ 
#include <tsDefs.h> 
#include <cadef.h> 
#include <ezca.h>
double d; 
short s[2];
  s[0] = 10;   s[1] = -21; 
  ezcaPut("mywaveform", ezcaShort, 2, s);
  ezcaGet("mygenerator", ezcaDouble, 1, &d);
} /* end main() */
First note the three include files necessary for all EZCA programs. The first two, tsDefs.h and cadef.h, are EPICS include files. The last, ezca.h, is a new EPICS include file. The files must appear in the same order as they appear above.

Our first call is to ezcaPut. The first argument specifies the process variable we wish to write to, mywaveform. The next two arguments state that we are supplying the data as C short variables and that there are 2 of them. The last argument is a pointer to the data.

Our last call is to ezcaGet. We are retrieving a scalar from the process variable mygenerator in the form of a C double and are placing it into the variable d.

2.1 Data Types

EZCA allows the user to read/write information in a number of different formats. In the example above we wrote data supplied as ezcaShort and requested the data in our read as an ezcaDouble. Here are the allowable EZCA data types.

2.2 Makefile

Below is the makefile used to make the example program usr1.c.

CC = acc
EPICSDIR = /home/opiinj2/epics
EPICSINCDIR = -I$(EPICSDIR)/R3.11.6/share/epicsH
EZCALIB = -lezca
CALIBDIR = $(EPICSDIR)/R3.11.6/Unix/sun4/bin
CALIBS = -lca -lCom -lUnix
CFLAGS = -c 
usr1: usr1.o
    $(CC) -o usr1 usr1.o $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)
    /bin/rm -f *.o usr1
.c.o:  $*.c

3 Main Functions

EZCA is a library of composed of 25 or so functions. Some of the functions deal with error handling, grouping, monitors, and tuning EZCA. All of the functions are described in this document.

In this section we introduce the main work functions in EZCA, the functions that read/write data. There are 8 functions that read data all starting with ezcaGet and one function to write data, ezcaPut.

This is the fundamental retrieval function in EZCA. The process variable is named in pvname and the request type is specified as an EZCA data type in ezcatype. The requested number of elements is specified in nelem. data_buff is a user-supplied buffer that must be large enough to store nelem data values of type ezcatype. ezcaGet places the value into that buffer.

These functions all retrieve information about EPICS database records rather than their values. The process variable is named in pvname. All other fields are user-supplied buffers that EZCA fills.

TS_STAMP is an EPICS type (found in tsDefs.h). It reflects the last time the record was processed. There is an EPICS library to manipulate this data type.

In ezcaGetUnits the character array units must be at least EZCA_UNITS_SIZE (defined in ezca.h) big.

This is nothing more than an ezcaGet and an ezcaGetStatus wrapped up into one function.

This is the write function in EZCA. The process variable is named in pvname. The type and amount of supplied data are specified in ezcatype and nelem, respectively. The data is in the user-supplied buffer data_buff, which is immediately ready for re-use upon return of the function.

4 Error Handling

4.1 Return Codes

EZCA functions return status codes indicating the success/failure of the call. In EZCA a return of 0 (EZCA_OK) always means success. Anything else indicates a problem. Following are the return codes EZCA uses.

4.2 Automatic Error Reporting

Although the return codes are useful, the real information associated with anomalous return codes is found in the error messages. By default, EZCA prints error messages (to stdout) as soon as they are encountered. The user can toggle this automatic error reporting feature with the following functions.

The default state is on. The user may call these as often as he wishes and at any time throughout the program.

4.3 Requested Error Messages

For tighter control over error messages, EZCA provides two error handling mechanisms.

Both of these error reporting facilities report the status, including success, of the last EZCA call (except for at the end of groups discussed later). In both functions, prefix is a user-supplied character string (possibly NULL) that EZCA will use as a prefix to its error message.

ezcaPerror prints the optional prefix with the error message to stdout. ezcaGetErrorString allocates a buffer and fills it with the optional prefix and error message. It then returns the address of the buffer in the user-supplied pointer buff. It then becomes the user's responsibility to free the buffer using the following.

Following is the program usr2.c, a modification of usr1.c, that uses these new error functions.

#include <stdio.h>
/* following needed when using EZCA */
#include <tsDefs.h>
#include <cadef.h>
#include <ezca.h>
double d;
short s[2];
char *error_msg_buff;
    s[0] = 10; s[1] = -21;
    if (ezcaPut("mywaveform", ezcaShort, 2, s))
    ezcaPerror("Put Error:");
    if (ezcaGet("mygenerator", ezcaDouble, 1, &d))
    ezcaGetErrorString(NULL, &error_msg_buff);
    printf("Get Error: %s\n", error_msg_buff);
    ezcaFree((void *) error_msg_buff);
    } /* endif */
} /* end main() */
The first thing to notice is the new include file stdio.h. It was brought in because we used the constant NULL in our call to ezcaGetErrorString.

We introduced a new variable, error_msg_buff, where we plan to have ezcaGetErrorString place the address of the buffer it allocates.

Our first call is to ezcaAutoErrorMessageOff. This turns off the automatic error message reporting that is the default in EZCA. We could have left it on. Doing so in this program would have resulted in errors being reported twice, once automatically and once with our explicit requests.

Our call to ezcaPut is the same. This time we test the return status. Recall a return status of 0 is always an indication of success. Anything else indicates a problem. Here we use ezcaPerror to report the problem with the write using the prefix ``Put Error:''. If something went wrong with the write, the error message would be written to stdout with our specified prefix.

Our call to ezcaGet is also the same. Here we used ezcaGetErrorString without specifying the optional prefix to have the error message placed into an allocated buffer and the address of the buffer placed into our variable error_msg_buff. We print the error with our own prefix message specified in the print statement rather than the EZCA function and then free the allocated string using ezcaFree.

Assuming that both process variables cannot be found on any IOCs, executing usr2 would look like this.

% usr2
Put Error: ezcaPut(): channel not currently connected
Get Error: ezcaGet(): channel not currently connected

5 Groups

When doing a large block of unconditional reads and/or writes, it is more efficient to do them in a group rather than individually. Groups are delineated using the following two EZCA functions.

Making an EZCA call in the context of an EZCA group merely checks the validity of the arguments. The actual work is postponed until the end of the group is encountered.

Not all of the EZCA functions respect the context of a group. Only those functions mentioned in section 3 have their work postponed. All other EZCA functions are always performed immediately.

Consider the following program usr3.c which is another modification of usr1.c.

#include <stdio.h>
/* following needed when using EZCA */
#include <tsDefs.h>
#include <cadef.h>
#include <ezca.h>
double d;
short s[2];
char *error_msg_buff;
    s[0] = 10; s[1] = -21;
    ezcaPut("mywaveform", ezcaShort, 2, s);
    ezcaGet("mygenerator", ezcaDouble, 1, &d);
    if (ezcaEndGroup())
} /* end main() */
Note that we have removed the error reporting functions found in usr2.c from ezcaPut and ezcaGet, although we were not required to do so. We have also placed both of these functions in a group by surrounding them with ezcaStartGroup and ezcaEndGroup.

By placing these functions into a group we have postponed the work until ezcaEndGroup is encountered. Each function simply checks the validity of the arguments and places the work onto a list to be processed later. ezcaEndGroup performs all the batched work. It returns the first encountered non-successful return code (based on their order of appearance) in the group. If all the batched work returned successfully, ezcaEndGroup returns EZCA_OK which is 0.

ezcaPerror behaves a little bit differently here. When called after ezcaEndGroup (and before a call to any other EZCA function) it prints a status line for every function in the group. This includes those functions with successful return codes.

Under the same assumption as before, that none of the process variables can be found, executing usr3 would look like this.

% usr3
ezcaPut(): channel not currently connected
ezcaGet(): channel not currently connected
Assuming that all the arguments to all the functions in the group are valid, there is no difference in placing ezcaStartGroup and ezcaEndGroup around the EZCA functions as they appear in usr1.c or in usr2.c. In usr2.c the return code from each EZCA function would have indicated success (assuming all the arguments are valid).

If some of the arguments were invalid, then surrounding the EZCA calls with ezcaStartGroup and ezcaEndGroup in usr1.c and usr2.c would simply produce different output. In usr2.c the invalid argument error message would appear twice, once immediately after the function call and once as a result of the ezcaPerror at the end of the group.

Users interested in the return status of all the all the EZCA calls in a group should use ezcaEndGroupWithReport instead of ezcaEndGroup.

Like ezcaEndGroup, ezcaEndGroupWithReport performs all the batched work and returns the first encountered non-successful return code or EZCA_OK. Additionally, ezcaEndGroupWithReport allocates a vector of return codes, one element for each member of the group, and returns that vector as well as its length to the user. It then becomes the user's responsibility to free the acquired vector using ezcaFree.

Consider the following program usr4.c, a modification of usr3.c where we replaced ezcaEndGroup with ezcaEndGroupWithReport.

#include <stdio.h>
/* following needed when using EZCA */
#include <tsDefs.h>
#include <cadef.h>
#include <ezca.h>
double d;
short s[2];
char *error_msg_buff;
int i, *rcs, nrcs;
    s[0] = 10; s[1] = -21;
    ezcaPut("mywaveform", ezcaShort, 2, s);
    ezcaGet("mygenerator", ezcaDouble, 1, &d);
  ezcaEndGroupWithReport(&rcs, &nrcs);
  for (i = 0; i < nrcs; i ++)
    if (rcs[i] != EZCA_OK)
      printf("Call %d had abnormal return status %d\n", i, rcs[i]);
  ezcaFree((void *) rcs);
} /* end main() */

5.1 Bad Grouping

Not all programs should use EZCA groups. The following is an example program that is a poor candidate for groups.

#include <stdio.h>
/* following needed when using EZCA */
#include <tsDefs.h>
#include <cadef.h>
#include <ezca.h>
double d;
short s[2];
    ezcaGet("mygenerator", ezcaDouble, 1, &d);
    if (d < 0)
    s[0] = 10; s[1] = -21;
    ezcaPut("mywaveform", ezcaShort, 2, s);
    } /* endif */
    if (ezcaEndGroup())
} /* end main() */
Here we have changed the order of the read and write. We read first, and based on the value we read we conditionally write. This program is destined to fail. Recall that the ezcaGet read is postponed until ezcaEndGroup is executed. This means that the value found in the variable d is garbage when the test on it is performed.

6 Monitors

Another optimization (in addition to groups) available to users are monitors. If the user has a process variable whose value will not change very often but will be read frequently, then the user should establish an monitor on that process variable.

Monitors can be placed and removed at any time using the following.

There is no difference in the way a user reads the value, i.e.,all the ezcaGet family of functions are called exactly the same way. Calling ezcaSetMonitor simply instructs EZCA to immediately establish a CA monitor of the specified request type on the named process variable. Any time the value of the process variable changes (presumably infrequently) EZCA automatically and silently caches the new value. All subsequent reads of that process variable under that request type will not generate a CA read, but rather, will simply read the cached value. This arrangement continues until the monitor is removed using ezcaClearMonitor.

6.1 Monitor Check

The user can also poll the monitor to see if a new value has come in since the last time the value was read. This is done with the following function.

This function returns a non-zero value if there is a new (unread) value in the monitor, otherwise it returns 0. This function is particularly useful when the read operation is expensive in time, e.g., reading large arrays.

6.2 Delay

Users must exercise caution when using monitors. Because of the way CA is implemented, it is possible to lose changes in process variables if there is a substantial amount of time between any two adjacent EZCA calls. Substantial here is a relative term. It depends on how frequently the values are likely to change.

To alleviate this problem, EZCA provides a function that should be called whenever using monitors and there is a substantial amount of time between any two adjacent EZCA calls. Between all such pair of calls, the user should call the following function.

Where sec is always greater than 0, values around 0.01 should suffice.

7 Tuning EZCA

EZCA uses two tunable parameters to determine when to stop waiting for connections and confirmations of reads and writes. They are timeout and retrycount. EZCA uses them by waiting timeout seconds and then, if necessary, waiting timeout seconds a maximum of retrycount more times, resulting in a maximum total timeout time of timeout+(timeout*retrycount) = timeout*(1+retrycount).

The default values for these parameters strikes a balance that hopefully serves most users efficiently. The hope is that those users that can connect quickly are served as well as those that require a little more time.

Users can not only discover the values of these parameters using

but they can also set these parameters using

Here all arguments must be greater than 0.

Empirically, we have observed that under normal circumstances EZCA can reliably process (read or write) 200 process variables per second. Users should adjust timeout and retrycount accordingly.

For example, with a timeout of 0.2 seconds and a retrycount of 9, EZCA will wait a maximum of 0.2*(1+9) = 2 seconds. This will allow the user to process groups of up to 400 gets and/or puts reliably. If a particular group has 600 operations to perform, the user must increase the maximum timeout to at least 3 seconds to more adequately assure reliable processing. This may be done by increasing timeout and/or retrycount accordingly.

8 Escape to Raw Channel Access

EZCA is designed to provide an easy to use interface to CA. In doing so, we were forced to sacrifice some of the functionality and efficiency found in CA. Users of EZCA that occasionally need to make a call directly to the CA library can do so in an EZCA program by calling the EZCA function that converts a process variable name to a CA chid.

The cid should already be connected for you and ready to use with any CA function. Calls to CA functions may be mixed freely with EZCA function calls.

9 New Channel Access

EZCA is designed and implemented to use blocking writes. That is, to wait for acknowledgment that the value successfully got into the process variable and all processing that resulted from that write has successfully completed (ca_array_put_callback). This was only available in CA as of EPICS release 3.11.6.

Prior to release 3.11.6, writing in CA simply initiated the write and there was no way to automatically validate that the value got to the process variable or that all resulting processing was successfully completed (ca_array_put).

Users performing ezcaPut to process variables residing on IOCs booted with versions of EPICS prior to 3.11.6 will always get return codes indicating timeout errors for all such writes. The antiquated versions of EPICS never acknowledge the write, so EZCA is fooled into thinking that the write was not successful.

In order to eliminate these annoying error messages, we have provided a backward compatible version of EZCA, one that uses older ca_array_put instead of the newer ca_array_put_callback. To use this version the user simply adds one switch to the compile line of the makefile. No change is necessary to the user code. Below is a copy of the makefile presented in section 2.2. It already has the compile switch in place.

CC = acc
EPICSDIR = /home/opiinj2/epics
EPICSINCDIR = -I$(EPICSDIR)/R3.11.6/share/epicsH
EZCALIB = -lezca
CALIBDIR = $(EPICSDIR)/R3.11.6/Unix/sun4/bin
CALIBS = -lca -lCom -lUnix
CFLAGS = -c 
usr1: usr1.o
    $(CC) -o usr1 usr1.o $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)
    /bin/rm -f *.o usr1
.c.o:  $*.c
This changes all writes to use the old CA write. It does not force the old version to acknowledge the write, it simply instructs EZCA to use the old CA write (ca_array_put) and not to wait for the acknowledgment.

To take advantage of the new CA write (ca_array_put_callback), simply remove -DOLDCA from the makefile and re-compile.