Message Passing Facility
Industry Pack Support

Release Notes

Release 1-5

All device specific code has been unbundled from MPF itself except the ip carrier support.

DevMpf changed to properly handle connects during ioc initialization.

NOTE: The following actuallly refer to the unbundled support.

The serial test (startEpicsSerial) has been changed so records are event scanned and so that scan rate of all records can be changed from a single control that appears at the top of the adl screen.

OctalUARTPort::read has been changed to lock interrupts while calling startIoTimeout.

serialServer should now properly handle circularBuffer mode .

Changes have been made to OctalUART to handle soft reboots.

Release 1-4

The major changes have been to DevMpf and to serialServer. Thanks to input from Mark Rivers both of these should be much more useful. Read the new version of the manual for details.

Release 1-3

This is the first release that follows a regular releases numbering scheme. Since the last release the following major changes have occured. The following changes are necessary to convert existing mpf applications: