*************************************************************** * IRMIS 2 (Integrated Relational Model of Installed Systems) * *************************************************************** irmisBase V2.2 Argonne National Lab - Advanced Photon Source Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and others... Comments to: Claude Saunders (saunders@aps.anl.gov) Debby Quock (quock@aps.anl.gov) -------------------------------------- Contents: -------------------------------------- 1. OVERVIEW 2. BUILDING 3. DEPLOYING 4. FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY APPENDIX A: Signing Jar Files -------------------------------------- 1. OVERVIEW ---------- IRMIS 2 is designed as a complement to an EPICS installation, permitting the creation, maintenance, and querying of a relational model containing an exhaustive inventory of process variables, components, and cables. It is effectively a documentation tool, and does not explicitly support creating an EPICS installation FROM a relational model. The component and cable portion of IRMIS may also be used by a non-EPICS facility. IRMISBase consists of the set of site neutral database schema, database access layer(s), data crawlers, and applications. If you have a "standard" EPICS installation, this set of code should be usable with only some site-specific tweaks. Our goal is to also be database neutral. Our primary development environment is MySQL, although we have coded for Oracle as well. Most scripts and applications have been tested against Oracle. Basically, we use the auto-increment feature for MySQL, and sequences for Oracle, necessitating different DDL scripts, and some db access layer abstractions. IRMISBase has been broken up into two primary subtrees: apps and db. apps ----- Contains many of the various applications of IRMIS, both thin (Echo Web Framework), as well as thick (Java Swing w/ WebStart). These are the "end-user" applications for querying and editing data in the database. Note that PHP applications are maintained in a different codebase, not here in irmisBase. As of the moment, the primary application is a single Java Swing application that acts as a "desktop" for many sub-applications, such as: process variable viewer, component viewer/editor, component type viewer/editor, cable viewer/editor, ioc viewer/editor, irmis user administration, etc. A thin client application called component history, implemented using the Echo Web Framework, is also in apps. Note that there is a simple demo application with lots of descriptive comments under src/CFWDemo, with ant build targets demojarfile and deploydemo. This is designed to show how we are using the underlying XAL Java application framework from the Spallation Neutron Source. db ----- Contains sql scripts for creating/populating core IRMIS schema, perl crawler scripts for populating the database, and a database access API for both PHP and Java. The apps above depend on the database access API's here. Note that PHP code was an early exercise, and has not been maintained, but serves as an example if needed. Please see the PHP repository for current PHP code. 2. BUILDING -------- Note: You will need Java (1.5 or above), and ant (1.6 or above) installed to conduct builds. Java is available at java.sun.com, and ant is at ant.apache.org. In the same directory as this README file, there is a site.build.properties. You will need to edit this for your site prior to conducting a build. This is where things like database connection parameters are established. There are comments within to guide you. The properties in this file are used to substitute strings of the form @property@ in various .template files in the codebase. The ".sql" scripts for building the database schema are in the ddl subdirectory. There is a subdirectory for mysql and one for oracle. We assume you have created an initial database and account, and have a favorite utility for running the scripts we provide. cd db/ddl/mysql - or oracle subdir if using oracle create_aps_ioc_table.sql create_component_enum_tables.sql create_component_tables.sql create_pv_client_enum_tables.sql create_pv_client_tables.sql create_pv_enum_tables.sql create_pv_tables.sql create_shared_enum_tables.sql create_shared_tables.sql create_component_history_tables.sql alter_aps_ioc_table.sql alter_component_tables.sql alter_pv_client_tables.sql alter_pv_tables.sql alter_shared_tables.sql alter_component_history_tables.sql populate_form_factor.sql populate_function.sql populate_mfg.sql populate_component_type_if_type.sql populate_base_component_types.sql populate_core_components.sql populate_component_history.sql Note that there are a set of "drop" scripts as well if you want to start again. A build of both apps and db is accomplished with: cd db ant deploy cd apps ant deploy This will build the Java Swing irmis desktop, and also the java db access jar file irmisDb.jar, along with the various perl crawlers. Additionally, type: cd apps ant warfile This will build the component_history.war file which can be deployed to any standard Servlet engine, like Tomcat or Jetty. Note that there are other "targets" specified in the various build.xml, so you can also type: "ant clean" to start over again. This is pretty much identical to how "make" works. HTML documentation for the Java database access layer can be generated by typing "ant docs" in the db directory. Don't worry about the warnings you see there. 3. DEPLOYING --------- This is a bit more complex and site dependent. We begin by showing you how to fire up the Java IRMIS desktop application, which should then connect to the database you specified in the site.build.properties file. cd apps/deploy tar xvf irmisDeploy.tar java -jar irmis.jar That's it! The application has a help menu which should give you guidance there. You will not see any process variable data until you run the pv crawler, but you can go ahead and create components, component types, and cables. The Java Swing IRMIS desktop application is in irmisDeploy.tar, and is packaged with the Java WebStart files needed to deploy on a web server. Note that the jar files in this tarball must be digitally signed before java web start will allow someone to access them via a web server. If you are manually deploying the irmis application, don't worry about all this jar signing stuff. See below appendix A for what it means to "sign" a jar file. The Echo Web Framework based Component History Tool is in component_history.war. This is a standard J2EE WAR file and can be deployed to the webapps directory of any servlet engine like Tomcat or Jetty. The various crawlers are deployed in db/deploy/xxxCrawlerDeploy.tar, ready to be copied to whatever machine you intend to deploy them on. The primary crawler is the process variable crawler in pvCrawlerDeploy.tar. See the README file in that for an explanation, as the crawler is a whole topic of its own. 4. FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY ------------------- So, you're interested in creating/enhancing irmis applications? Here's some general info on how to add new schema, database access, and an application. Database stuff (ddl, hibernate xml, data object classes, data access objects, services, and perl crawler code) go in irmisBase/db. Applications go in irmisBase/apps. Add ddl to db/ddl/mysql with "create", "alter", and "drop" scripts. If you are doing this in oracle, or porting existing stuff to oracle, look in db/ddl/oracle instead Add xml, data object classes, and data access objects to db/src/db/java/gov/anl/aps/irmis/persistence. Under there you'll find the base classes, and subdirectories like pv, login, component, audit. You'll probabaly add a "newapp" directory and put all your stuff in there. You can build the master "irmisDb.jar" in irmisBase/db by typing "ant jarfile". Also, for each xml mapping file you create, you'll want to add that to db/src/db/java/hibernate.cfg.xml.template. Your new stuff will automatically get picked up and included in irmisDb.jar. You add a new application in apps/src/gov/anl/aps/irmis/apps using a new subdirectory. In there you'll see pv, ioc, component, componenttype, cable. Each of those is an irmis desktop "sub-application". You can run your application using the irmis desktop shell. The code for that is in apps/src/gov/anl/aps/irmis/apps/irmis/cfw/Main.java. You just have to add in a app.produceDocument(new NewAppDocument()) line near the bottom to get your app to pop up on the desktop. Later on it can become part of the menu system, etc... To build an application, go to irmisBase/apps and type "ant deploy". This will build the db side, and then the apps side, depositing everything into irmisBase/apps/deploy/irmisDeploy.tar. You can then just untar irmisDeploy.tar and run the application with "java -jar irmis.jar". APPENDIX A : Signing Jar Files ------------------------------- As part of the Java "security sandbox" mechanism, code distributed as jar files over the web must be digitally signed. First you must create your digital signature using the "keytool" utility that comes with Java. To do this, type: keytool -genkey -alias somename -keypass somepassword If this is the first time you have run keytool, you will be asked to provide a password for the newly created keystore. If you are attempting to renew a certificate that you already created, the above genkey will produce an error. In this case, type "keytool -delete -alias somename" to delete the expired certificate first, then re-execute the genkey. Then there are a variety of fields you will have to fill out. What is happening here is that you are creating a "self-signed" digital certificate. If your site already has a web site "server certificate", you can actually import that using keytool, and use that as your certificate. But that's beyond our scope here. The keytool finally stores a private/public key pair on your local machine that is later referenced simply by the alias "somename". Secondly, you sign each jar file by typing the following: jarsigner whatever.jar somename You will then be prompted for both the keystore password, and they key password. That's it, you're done!