caSaveRestore Users Guide

John Winans
Mar 25 1996

Command line arguements

[-asciiin <file1> [<file2> [...]]]   specify ASCII input files
[-asciiout <outputfile>]             specify ASCII output file
[-sddsin <file>]                     declare SDDS input file
[-sddsout <outputfile>]              declare SDDS output file
[-sddsoutpath <dirname>]             declare SDDS output path for vector files
[-log <logfile>]                     specify the log filename
[-comments <comments>]               specify file comments
[-keywords <keywords>]               specify file keywords
[-cawait <ca idle wait time>]        set min CA idle wait time
[-daemon <generation count>]         operate in daemon mode
[-I<path>]                           specify an include directory (ascii files only)
[-D<name=value>]                     specify a global macro (ascii files only)
[-d]                                 enable debugging output
The following are supported, but have been demoted:
[-f <file1> [[<file2>]...]]          same as -asciiin
[-o <outputfile>]                    same as -asciiout
[-l <logfile>]                       same as -log
[-c <comments>]                      same as -comments
[-k <keywords>]                      same as -keywords
[-r <retry time>]                    same as -cawait


The -asciiin arguement is used to specify any number of ASCII format input files.


(caSave only) The -asciiout arguement is used to specify a single ASCII format output file.


The -sddsin arguement is used to specify a single SDDS format input file.


(caSave only) The -sddsout arguement is used to specify a single SDDS format output file.


(caSave only) The -sddsoutpath arguement is used to specify a relative prefix to use if caSave has to create a seperate SDDS file to hold a vector of data.


The -log arguement is a hold-over from the old burt system design. It is used to specify a filename that warning and error messages will be written to. It is recommended that the user simply redirect stderr instead.


(caSave only) The -comments arguement is used to specify any number of comment words that will be placed in the envrionment header of the snapshot file.


(caSave only) The -keywords arguement is used to specify any number of keyword words that will be placed in the envrionment header of the snapshot file.


The -cawait arguement is used to specify the total allowable channel access idle time (in seconds) that is allowed to elapse before a timeout condition is assumed. The default value is 10. The idea is that if there is work to do (PV data elements that have not yet transfered) and some type of activity is taking place, we should continue to wait. If there is no work left to do, or if there is no activity taking place for cawait seconds, caSave (or caRestore) should stop.


(caSave only) The -daemon arguement is used to specify that caSave should run continuously. It will get ready to perform a backup operation and then wait for a SIGUSR1 signal. Upon receipt of the signal, it will perform a backup and write it to the specified output file followed by a generation number. (The generation number starts at zero and counts up.) After the snapshot has been stored away, caSave will return to waiting for the next SIGUSR1 signal and the process starts over again.

The -daemon arguement must include a generation number that is used to specify the total number of generations that are to be saved. When that number of generation files have been created, the counter recycles to zero.


(ASCII format only) The -I arguement is used to specify directory names that are to be added to the search path for include files. The directory name must be specified as a sticky argument to the -I... for example "-Idirname" or "-I/usr/xyzzy" and not "-I dirname" or "-I /usr/xyzzy".


(ASCII format only) The -D arguement is used to specify a macro on the command line. The macro assignment must be specified as a sticky arguement to the -D... for example "-Dmacname=macvalue" and not "-D macname=macvalue".


The -d arguement is used to enable debugging mode. There is no telling what might be printed, but it might be useful to try if you are having problems. Typically, things like the input files and command line arguements are printed according to the way that caSave and caRestore sees them.