Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System


Using EPICS Logos

The original EPICS logo was designed by Ken Evans for use with MEDM, and was later redrawn by Andrew Johnson for use in presentations and on the website. As a result the Copyright for the graphic is owned by UChicago Argonne LLC, but it may be used freely by any person, organization or company in association with support for users of EPICS.

The new EPICS logo was designed at ESS. See the Graphics and Templates page on the EPICS-Controls site for details.

Please direct any questions about EPICS branding to Andrew Johnson.

Graphics files

Several versions of the logo are available, shown below. Large images in the table are scaled by your browser to 101 pixels wide. Note that some Microsoft tools don't handle transparency very well, so a few logos have been provided with white non-transparent backgrounds.

Image Description URL
EPICS Logo 14×14 pixel PNG file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo-14x14.png
EPICS Logo 16×16 pixel Microsoft Icon file https://epics.anl.gov/favicon.ico
EPICS Logo 50×50 pixel GIF https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo50.gif
EPICS Logo 64×64 pixel PNG file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo-64x64.png
EPICS Logo 101×101 pixel GIF https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo101.gif
EPICS Logo 101×101 pixel GIF with white background https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo101_W.gif
EPICS Logo 101×101 pixel PNG with white background https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo101_W.png
EPICS Logo 192×192 pixel PNG file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo-192x192.png
EPICS Logo 695×595 pixel PNG, for printing https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo_659x595.png
EPICS Logo 695×595 pixel PNG with white background https://epics.anl.gov/icons/logo_659x595_W.png
EPICS Watermark Logo 659 x 595 PNG watermark image for presentation backgrounds https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo_watermark.png
EPICS Watermark Logo 659 x 595 PNG watermark image with white background https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo_watermark_W.png
OpenDocument Presentation OpenDocument Presentation file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo.odp
PowerPoint File Microsoft PowerPoint file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo.ppt
MS Office 2010 PowerPoint file https://epics.anl.gov/icons/EPICS_Logo.pptx
Original EPICS Logo Ken Evans' original EPICS Logo, a 64×64 pixel GIF with transparent background https://epics.anl.gov/icons/epics64.gif