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Subject: Re: Experimental Sequencer Release
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Core Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2010 09:21:12 -0400
On Wed 05 May 2010 17:02:17 Benjamin Franksen wrote:
On Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010, Andrew Johnson wrote:
I'm glad to see someone take on (re)development of the sequencer.

I am ready to take over maintenance (and, hopefully, further improvements) from now on if this is generally desired.

That's a deal - great!!
I was also getting concerned about the Sequencer's future, so I'm really happy to hear that.

I can give you an account for write access to our svn and Trac, but I'd be willing to transfer the ownership
and point everything to your site if you'd prefer that

I would definitely prefer that. I could be persuaded to switch to another distributed VCS like Bazaar or Mercurial (or even Git), but would rather not have to work with Subversion. I hope you understand ;-)

Lewis Muir suggested public hosting at Launchpad, like EPICS base. He has a point. (This would mean Bazaar. Not my preferred choice, but as I said I could be convinced if this makes it noticeably easier for others to contribute.)

I would think SourceForge is the more appropriate place.

* With the exception of base, all other publicly hosted EPICS related projects are on SourceForge (I counted 16 this morning), including major players like Control-System-Studio, EPICS V4 (PVData, PVAccess), IRMIS, VDCT, EPICS/QT,.... (If the APS legal department would allow their employees to open SF accounts, EPICS Base would be hosted there, too.) I think it would need a strong objective reason not to keep stuff at one place. * Their services are complete: a variety of VCS (from their selection I would suggest Mercurial) , repository browsers, file download area, project web space, Trac and other webapps, mailing lists, news boards, forums,... * Experience with managing a SF project (aka help) is more widely available within the EPICS community.

In any case, I am willing to convert the svn repo and rebase (actually re-record) the changes I made. So we will have the complete history in one repo.

Apropos: Some of the source files still contain changelog style header comments and an ancient LANL copyright notice. I would like to get rid of both: the changelog clutters the source code with information that is completely out-dated, irrelevant when trying to understand the code, and you can always look up who made what changes in the VCS. It also gives false positives when grep'ing for program phrases. Copyright stuff should rather go to a separate LICENSE file. However, I hesitate to delete any of this stuff out of respect for the original authors and also due to concerns about legal issues.

Do you have a recommendation?

You have to be careful with copyright issues.

I would say - from what I read elsewhere:
Removing copyright notices is probably illegal as long as there is content that was published under that copyright. Check the current copyright notices in Base - I would say if you don't drop one, you can replace them with that current text. Don't forget to add the copyright of Helmholtz-Zentrum in the files that you changed. (We are allowed to create PD work, but the HZB still owns the copyright for everything we do within work hours.) The copyright notices have to be in the source files, else they might not be legally valid. (Also, they have to contain the word "copyright", the copyright symbol or "(c)" are not enough.) You can ship the license in a separate file, in that case every source file has to state that the license in that file applies.

Check that the VCS contains reasonable comments, then drop the changelog style comments in the files.

(but I would ask if you could add a history browser so it's possible to browse the
repository changes without having to install darcs).

This should be possible (in the near future), as we are in the process of replacing the ancient machine that serves our software distribution pages. We have not yet finally decided how exactly the old content gets re-organized but I'll make sure we have some project publishing / bug tracker thing there, something like Trac or (my preference) Redmine. Both enable history browsing (and more) for a number of VCSes. Give us a few weeks.

I would strongly suggest to move it onto an external public hosting service - and get rid of the system administration overhead of maintaining and securing such a bunch of (public!) services, which is usually no fun, just a lot of work and pain.


Re: Experimental Sequencer Release Andrew Johnson
Experimental Sequencer Release Benjamin Franksen
Re: Experimental Sequencer Release Andrew Johnson
Re: Experimental Sequencer Release Benjamin Franksen

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