Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System


EPICS 7.0 Release Series

This is the current release series of EPICS. We are trying to make releases of the 7.0 series more frequently then previously, roughly every 2-3 months but depending on need as bugs are discovered and fixed.

Continuous Integration

The latest code from the 7.0 series gets built and tested on various operating systems shortly after changes are committed to the Git repository at https://github.com/epics-base/epics-base.

Point Releases

Each released version has its own page containing links to its documentation and the relevent files in the software download area. Released versions may have subsequent patch releases, which are documented under the parent version number.

Platforms Supported

The following host platforms are supported in the latest release above:

These IOC target platforms are currently supported:

Software Download

Tarfiles of released versions of Base can be retrieved from the Base Download area.

The source code for all release branches of Base can be obtained using git by cloning the URL https://github.com/epics-base/epics-base.git but note that the 7.0 series uses git submodules, so you need to include the --recursive flag.

Thus to check out the 7.0 branch use this command:

git clone --recursive -b 7.0 https://github.com/epics-base/epics-base.git base-7.0