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16. EPICS General Purpose Tasks

16.1 Overview

This chapter describes two sets of EPICS supplied general purpose tasks: 1) Callback, and 2) Task Watchdog.

Often when writing code for an IOC there is no obvious task under which to execute. A good example is completion code for an asynchronous device support module. EPICS supplies the callback tasks for such code.

If an IOC tasks ``crashes" there is normally no one monitoring the vxWorks shell to detect the problem. EPICS provides a task watchdog task which periodically checks the state of other tasks. If it finds that a monitored task has terminated or suspended it issues an error message and can also call other routines which can take additional actions. For example a subroutine record can arrange to be put into alarm if a monitored task crashes.

Since IOCs normally run autonomously, i.e. no one is monitoring the vxWorks shell, IOC code that issues printf calls generates errors messages that are never seen. In addition the vxWorks implementation of fprintf requires much more stack space then printf calls. Another problem with vxWorks is the logMsg facility. logMsg generates messages at higher priority then all other tasks except the shell. EPICS solves all of these problems via an error message handling facility. Code can call any of the routines errMessage, errPrintf, or errlogPrintf. Any of these result in the error message being generated by a separate low priority task. The calling task has to wait until the message is handled but other tasks are not delayed. In addition the message can be sent to a system wide error message file.

16.2 General Purpose Callback Tasks

16.2.1 Overview

EPICS provides three sets of general purpose IOC callback tasks. The only difference between the task sets is their scheduling priority: low, medium or high. The low priority tasks runs at a priority just higher than Channel Access, the medium priority tasks at a priority about equal to the median of the periodic scan tasks, and the high priority tasks at a priority higher than the event scan task. The callback tasks are available for any software component that needs a task under which to run some job either immediately or after some delay. Jobs can also be cancelled during their delay period. The callback tasks register themselves with the task watchdog (described below). They are created with a generous amount of stack space and can thus be used for invoking record processing. For example the I/O event scanner uses the general purpose callback tasks.

The number of general purpose threads per priority level is configurable. On SMP systems with multi-core CPUs, the throughput can be improved and the latency (time between job scheduling and processing) can be lowered by running multiple parallel callback tasks, which the OS scheduler may assign to different CPU cores. Parallel callback tasks must be explicitly enabled (see 16.2.5 below), as this feature is disabled by default for compatibility reasons.

The following steps must be taken in order to use the general purpose callback tasks:

  1. Include callback definitions:

    #include <callback.h>

  2. Provide storage for a structure that is a private structure for the callback tasks:

    CALLBACK mycallback;

    It is permissible for this to be part of a larger structure, e.g.

    struct {
        CALLBACK mycallback;
    } ...

  3. Make calls (in most cases these are actually macros) to initialize the fields in the CALLBACK:

    callbackSetCallback(CALLBACKFUNC func, CALLBACK *pcb);

    This defines the callback routine to be executed. The first argument is the address of a function that will be given the address of the CALLBACK and returns void. The second argument is the address of the CALLBACK structure.

    callbackSetPriority(int, CALLBACK *pcb);

    The first argument is the priority, which can have one of the values: priorityLow, priorityMedium, or priorityHigh. These values are defined in callback.h. The second argument is again the address of the CALLBACK structure.

    callbackSetUser(void *, CALLBACK *pcb);

    This call is used to save a pointer value that can be retrieved again using the macro:

    callbackGetUser(void *,CALLBACK *pcb);

    If your callback function exists to process a single record inside calls to dbScanLock/dbScanUnlock, you can use this shortcut which provides the callback routine for you and sets the other two parameters at the same time (the user parameter here is a pointer to the record instance):

    callbackSetProcess(CALLBACK *pcb, int prio, void *prec);

  4. Whenever a callback request is desired just call one of the following:

    int callbackRequest(CALLBACK *pcb);
    int callbackRequestProcessCallback(CALLBACK *pcb, int prio, void *prec);

    Both can be called from interrupt level code. The callback routine is passed a single argument, which is the same argument that was passed to callbackRequest, i.e., the address of the CALLBACK structure. The second routine is a shortcut for calling both callbackSetProcess and callbackRequest. Both return zero in case of success, or an error code (see below).

    The following delayed versions wait for the given time before queueing the callback routine for the relevant thread set to execute.

    callbackRequestDelayed(CALLBACK *pCallback, double seconds);
    callbackRequestProcessCallbackDelayed(CALLBACK *pCallback,
    int Priority, void *pRec, double seconds);

    These routines cannot be called from interrupt level code.

16.2.2 Syntax

The following calls are provided:


void callbackInit(void);
void callbackShutdown(void);

void callbackSetCallback(void *pcallbackFunction,
    CALLBACK *pcallback);
void callbackSetPriority(int priority, CALLBACK *pcallback);
void callbackSetUser(void *user, CALLBACK *pcallback);
void callbackGetUser(void *user, CALLBACK *pcallback);
void callbackSetProcess(CALLBACK *pcallback, int Priority, void *prec);

int callbackRequest(CALLBACK *);
int callbackRequestProcessCallback(
    CALLBACK *pCallback, int Priority, void *prec);
void callbackRequestDelayed(CALLBACK *pCallback, double seconds);
void callbackRequestProcessCallbackDelayed(
    CALLBACK *pCallback, int Priority, void *prec, double seconds);
void callbackCancelDelayed(CALLBACK *pcallback);
int callbackSetQueueSize(int size);

16.2.3 Example

An example use of the callback tasks.

#include <callback.h>

static structure {
    char      begid[80];
    CALLBACK callback;
    char     endid[80];

void myCallback(CALLBACK *pcallback)
    struct myStruct *pmyStruct;
    printf("begid=%s endid=%s\n",&pmyStruct->begid[0],

example(char *pbegid, char*pendid)

The example can be tested by issuing the following command to the vxWorks shell:


This simple example shows how to use the callback tasks with your own structure that contains the CALLBACK structure at an arbitrary location.

16.2.4 Callback Queue

The callback requests put the requests for each callback priority into a separate ring buffer. These buffers can by default hold up to 2000 requests. This limit can be changed by calling callbackSetQueueSize before iocInit in the startup file. The syntax is:

int callbackSetQueueSize(int size)

16.2.5 Parallel Callback Tasks

To enable multiple parallel callback tasks, and set the number of tasks to be started for each priority level, call callbackParallelThreads before iocInit in the startup file. The syntax is:

int callbackParallelThreads(int count, const char *prio)

The count argument is the number of tasks to start, with 0 indicating to use the default (number of CPUs), and negative numbers indicating to use the number of CPUs minus the specified amount.

The prio argument specifies the priority level, with "" (empty string), "*", or NULL indicating to apply the definition to all priority levels.

The default value is stored in the variable callbackParallelThreadsDefault (initialized to the number of CPUs), which can be changed using the iocShell's var command.

16.3 Task Watchdog

EPICS provides a task that acts as a watchdog for other tasks. Any task can request to be watched, and most of the IOC tasks do this. A status monitoring subsystem in the IOC can register to be notified about any changes that occur. The watchdog task runs periodically and checks each task in its task list. If any task is suspended, an error message is displayed and any notifications made. The task watchdog provides the following features:

  1. Include module:

    #include <taskwd.h>

  2. Request by a task to be monitored:

    taskwdInsert (epicsThreadId tid, TASKWDFUNC callback, VOID *usr);

    This adds the task with the specified tid to the list of tasks to be watched, and makes any requested notifications that a new task has been registered. If tid is given as zero, the epicsThreadId of the calling thread is used instead. If callback is not NULL and the task later becomes suspended, the callback routine will be called with the single argument usr.

  3. Remove task from list:

    taskwdRemove(epicsThreadId tid);

    This routine must be called before the monitored task exits. It makes any requested notifications and removes the task from the list of tasks being watched. If tid is given as zero, the epicsThreadId of the calling thread is used instead.

  4. Request to be notified of changes:

    typedef struct {
        void (*insert)(void *usr, epicsThreadId tid);
        void (*notify)(void *usr, epicsThreadId tid, int suspended);
        void (*remove)(void *usr, epicsThreadId tid);
    } taskwdMonitor;
    taskwdMonitorAdd(const taskwdMonitor *funcs, void *usr);

    This call provides a set of callbacks for the task watchdog to call when a task is registered or removed or when any task gets suspended. The usr pointer given at registration is passed to the callback routine along with the tid of the thread the notification is about. In many cases the insert and remove callbacks will be called from the context of the thread itself, although this is not guaranteed (the registration could be made by a parent thread for instance). The notify callback also indicates whether the task went into or out of suspension; it is called in both cases, unlike the callbacks registered with taskwdInsert and taskwdAnyInsert.

  5. Rescind notification request:

    taskwdMonitorDel(const taskwdMonitor *funcs, void *usr);

    This call removes a previously registered notification. Both funcs and usr must match the values given to taskwdMonitorAdd when originally registered.

  6. Print a report:

    taskwdShow(int level);

    If level is zero, the number of tasks and monitors registered is displayed. For higher values the registered task names and their current states are also shown in tabular form.

  7. The following routines are provided for backwards compatibility purposes, but are now deprecated:

    taskwdAnyInsert(void *key, TASKWDANYFUNC callback, VOID *usr);

    The callback routine will be called whenever any of the tasks being monitored by the task watchdog become suspended. key must have a unique value because the task watchdog system uses this value to determine which entry to remove when taskwdAnyRemove is called.

    taskwdAnyRemove(void *key);

    key is the same value that was passed to taskwdAnyInsert.

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Andrew Johnson 2015-04-14