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17. Database Scanning

17.1 Overview

Database scanning is the mechanism for deciding when to process a record. Five types of scanning are possible:

This chapter explains database scanning in increasing order of detail. It first explains database fields involved with scanning. It next discusses the interface to the scanning system. The last section gives a brief overview of how the scanners are implemented.

17.2 Scan Related Database Fields

The following fields are normally defined via DCT. It should be noted, however, that it is quite permissible to change any of the scan related fields of a record dynamically. For example, a display manager screen could tie a menu control to the SCAN field of a record and allow the operator to dynamically change the scan mechanism.

17.2.1 SCAN

This field, which specifies the scan mechanism, has an associated menu of the following form:

Passive: Passively scanned.

Event: Event Scanned. The field EVNT specifies event number.

I/O Intr: I/O Event scanned.

10 Second: Periodically scanned every 10 seconds


.1 Second: Periodically scanned every .1 seconds

17.2.2 PHAS

This field determines processing order for records that are in the same scan set. For example all records periodically scanned at a 2 second rate are in the same scan set. All Event scanned records with the same EVNT are in the same scan set, etc. For records in the same scan set, all records with PHAS=0 are processed before records with PHAS=1, which are processed before all records with PHAS=2, etc.

In general it is not a good idea to rely on PHAS to enforce processing order. It is better to use database links.

17.2.3 EVNT - Event Number

This field only has meaning when SCAN is set to Event scanning, in which case it specifies the event number. In order for a record to be event scanned, EVNT must be in the range 0,...255. It should also be noted that some EPICS software components will not request event scanning for event 0. One example is the eventRecord record support module. Thus the application developer will normally want to define events in the range 1,...,255.

17.2.4 PRIO - Scheduling Priority

This field can be used by any software component that needs to specify scheduling priority, e.g. the event and I/O event scan facility uses this field.

17.3 Scan Related Software Components

17.3.1 menuScan.dbd

This file contains definitions for a menu related to field SCAN. The definitions are of the form:

menu(menuScan) {
    choice(menuScanI_O_Intr,"I/O Intr")
    choice(menuScan10_second,"10 second")
    choice(menuScan5_second,"5 second")
    choice(menuScan2_second,"2 second")
    choice(menuScan1_second,"1 second")
    choice(menuScan_5_second,".5 second")
    choice(menuScan_2_second,".2 second")
    choice(menuScan_1_second,".1 second")

The first three choices must appear in the order and location shown. The remaining definitions are for the periodic scan rates, which must appear in the order slowest to fastest (the order directly controls the thread priority assigned to the particular scan rate, and faster scan rates should be assigned higher thread priorities). At IOC initialization, the menu choice strings are read at scan initialization. The number of periodic scan rates and the period of each rate is determined from the menu choice strings. Thus periodic scan rates can be changed by changing menuScan.dbd and loading this version via dbLoadDatabase. The only requirement is that each periodic choice string must begin with a numeric value specified in units of seconds.

17.3.2 dbScan.h

All software components that interact with the scanning system must include this file.

The most important definitions in this file are:

#define SCAN_PASSIVE       menuScanPassive
#define SCAN_EVENT         menuScanEvent
#define SCAN_IO_EVENT      menuScanI_O_Intr
#define SCAN_1ST_PERIODIC  (menuScanI_O_Intr + 1)

/*definitions for I/O Interrupt Scanning */
typedef struct io_scan_list *IOSCANPVT;
typedef void (*io_scan_complete)(void *, IOSCANPVT, int);

long scanInit(void);
void scanRun(void);
void scanPause(void);

void post_event(int event);
void scanAdd(struct dbCommon *);
void scanDelete(struct dbCommon *);
double scanPeriod(int scan);
void scanOnce(struct dbCommon *precord);
int scanOnceSetQueueSize(int size);

int scanppl(void);    /* print periodic lists*/
int scanpel(void);    /* print event lists*/
int scanpiol(void);   /* print io_event list*/

void scanIoInit(IOSCANPVT *);
unsigned int scanIoRequest(IOSCANPVT);
void scanIoSetComplete(IOSCANPVT, io_scan_complete, void*);

The first set of definitions defines the various scan types. The next definition IOSCANPVT is used when interfacing with the I/O interrupt scanner. The remaining definitions define the public scan access routines. These are described in the following subsections.

17.3.3 Initializing And Controlling Database Scaning


The routine scanInit is called by iocInit. It initializes the scanning system.


These routines start and stop all the scan tasks respectively. They are used by the iocInit, iocRun and iocPause commands.

17.3.4 Adding And Deleting Records From Scan List

The following routines are called each time a record is added or deleted from a scan list.

scanAdd(struct dbCommon *);
scanDelete(struct dbCommon *);

These routines are called by scanInit at IOC initialization time in order to enter all records created via DCT into the correct scan list. The routine dbPut calls scanDelete and scanAdd each time a scan related field is changed (each scan related field is declared to be SPC_SCAN in dbCommon.dbd). scanDelete is called before the field is modified and scanAdd after the field is modified.

17.3.5 Obtaining the scan period from the SCAN field

double scanPeriod(int scan);

The argument is an offset into the set of enum choices for menuScan.h. Most users will just use the SCAN field of a database record. It returns the scan period in seconds. The result will be 0.0 if scan doesn't refer to a periodic rate.

17.3.6 Declaring Database Event

Whenever any software component wants to declare a database event, it just calls:


This can be called by virtually any IOC software component. For example sequence programs can call it. The record support module for eventRecord calls it.

17.3.7 Interfacing to I/O Event Scanning

Interfacing to the I/O event scanner is done via some combination of device and driver support.

  1. Include <dbScan.h>

  2. For each separate I/O event source the following must be done:

    1. Declare an IOSCANPVT variable, e.g.

      static IOSCANPVT ioscanpvt;

    2. Call scanIoInit, e.g.


  3. Provide the device support get_ioint_info routine. This routine has the format:

    long get_ioint_info(
        int cmd,
        struct dbCommon *precord,
        IOSCANPVT *ppvt);

    This routine is called each time the record pointed to by precord is added or deleted from an I/O event scan list. cmd has the value (0,1) if the record is being (added to, deleted from) an I/O event list. This routine must give a value to *ppvt.

  4. Whenever an I/O event is detected call scanIoRequest, e.g.


    This routine can be called from interrupt level. The request is queued and will be handled by one of the standard callback threads. There are three sets of callback threads fed from three queues, one for each priority level (see 16.2); the PRIO field of a record determines which queue will be used for processing this record after scanIoRequest() has been called.

    scanIoRequest() now returns a bit pattern indicating which of the three queues the request was sent to. A return value of zero means no records are currently configured to use this interrupt source for I/O Interrupt scanning.

    Device or driver support that needs to implement flow control can set up a completion callback by calling scanIoSetComplete, e.g.

    static void myCallback(void *arg, IOSCANPVT pvt, int prio)
    scanIoSetComplete(ioscanpvt, myCallback, (void *)arg);

    The completion callback will be called from one of the callback threads, once per priority used (bits set in the return value of scanIoRequest), after the list of records with that priority level has been processed. Note that for records with asynchronous device support, record processing might not have completed when the callback is issued.

The following code fragment shows an event record device support module that supports I/O event scanning:

#include  <vxWorks.h>
#include  <types.h>
#include  <stdioLib.h>
#include  <intLib.h>
#include  <dbDefs.h>
#include  <dbAccess.h>
#include  <dbScan.h>
#include  <recSup.h>
#include  <devSup.h>
#include  <eventRecord.h>
/* Create the dset for devEventXXX */
long init();
long get_ioint_info();
struct {
    long  number;
    DEVSUPFUN  report;
    DEVSUPFUN  init;
    DEVSUPFUN  init_record;
    DEVSUPFUN  get_ioint_info;
    DEVSUPFUN  read_event;
static IOSCANPVT ioscanpvt;
static void int_service(IOSCANPVT ioscanpvt)

static long init()
static long get_ioint_info(
int   cmd,
struct eventRecord   *pr,
IOSCANPVT   *ppvt)
    *ppvt = ioscanpvt;

17.4 Implementation Overview

The code for the entire scanning system resides in dbScan.c, i.e. periodic, event, and I/O event. This section gives an overview of how the code in dbScan.c is organized. The listing of dbScan.c must be studied for a complete understanding of how the scanning system works.

17.4.1 Definitions And Routines Common To All Scan Types

Everything is built around two basic structures:

typedef struct scan_list {
    epicsMutexId lock;
    ELLLIST      list;
    short        modified;

typedef struct scan_element{
    ELLNODE         node;
    scan_list       *pscan_list;
    struct dbCommon *precord;

Later we will see how scan_lists are determined. For now just realize that scan_list.list is the head of a list of records that belong to the same scan set (for example, all records that are periodically scanned at a 1 second rate are in the same scan set). The node field in scan_element contain the list links. The normal libCom ellLib routines are used to access the list. Each record that appears in some scan list has an associated scan_element. The SPVT field which appears in dbCommon holds the address of the associated scan_element.

The lock, modified, and pscan_list fields allow scan_elements, i.e. records, to be dynamically removed and added to scan lists. If scanList, the routine which actually processes a scan list, is studied it can be seen that these fields allow the list to be scanned very efficiently if no modifications are made to the list while it is being scanned. This is, of course, the normal case.

The dbScan.c module contains several private routines. The following access a single scan set:

17.4.2 Event Scanning

Event scanning is built around the following definitions:

#define MAX_EVENTS 256
typedef struct event_scan_list {
    CALLBACK        callback;
    scan_list       scan_list;
} event_scan_list;
static event_scan_list

pevent_list is a 2d array of pointers to scan_lists. Note that the array allows for 256 events, i.e. one for each possible event number. In other words, each event number and priority has its own scan list. No scan_list is actually created until the first request to add an element for that event number. The event scan lists have the memory layout illustrated below:

\includegraphics{scanning_12} post_event

post_event(int event)

This routine is called to request event scanning. It can be called from interrupt level. It looks at each event_scan_list referenced by pevent_list[*][event] (one for each callback priority) and if any elements are present in the scan_list a callbackRequest is issued. The appropriate callback task calls routine eventCallback, which just calls scanList.

17.4.3 I/O Event Scanning

I/O event scanning is built around the following definitions:

typedef struct io_scan_list {
    CALLBACK            callback;
    scan_list           scan_list;
    struct io_scan_list *next;
static io_scan_list *iosl_head[NUM_CALLBACK_PRIORITIES] = {

The array iosl_head and the field next are only kept so that scanpiol can be implemented and will not be discussed further. I/O event scanning uses the general purpose callback tasks to perform record processing, i.e. no task is spawned for I/O event. The callback field of io_scan_list is used to communicate with the callback tasks.

The following routines implement I/O event scanning: scanIoInit

scanIoInit (IOSCANPVT  *ppioscanpvt)

This routine is called by device or driver support. It is called once for each interrupt source. scanIoInit allocates and initializes an array of io_scan_list structures; one for each callback priority and puts the address in pioscanpvt. Three callback priorities are supported; low, medium, and high. Thus for each interrupt source the structures are as illustrated below:


When scanAdd or scanDelete are called, they call the device support routine get_ioint_info which returns pioscanpvt. The scan_element is added or deleted from the correct scan list. scanIoRequest

scanIoRequest (IOSCANPVT pioscanpvt)

This routine is called to request I/O event scanning. It can be called from interrupt level. It looks at each io_scan_list referenced by pioscanpvt (one for each callback priority) and if any elements are present in the scan_list a callbackRequest is issued. The appropriate callback task calls routine ioeventCallback, which just calls scanList.

17.4.4 Periodic Scanning

Periodic scanning is built around the following definitions:

typedef struct periodic_scan_list {
    scan_list           scan_list;
    double              period;
    volatile enum ctl   scanCtl;
    epicsEventId        loopEvent;
} periodic_scan_list;
static int nPeriodic;
static periodic_scan_list **papPeriodic;
static epicsThreadId *periodicTaskId;

nPeriodic, which is determined at iocInit time, is the number of periodic rates. papPeriodic is a pointer to an array of pointers to scan_lists. There is an array element for each scan rate. Thus the structure illustrated in the figure below exists after iocInit.


A periodic scan task is created for each scan rate. The following routines implement periodic scanning: initPeriodic


This routine first determines the scan rates. It does this by accessing the SCAN field of the first record it finds. It issues a call to dbGetField with a DBR_ENUM request. This returns the menu choices for SCAN. From this the periodic rates are determined. The array of pointers referenced by papPeriodic is allocated. For each scan rate a scan_list is allocated and a periodicTask is spawned. periodicTask

periodicTask (struct scan_list *psl)

This task just performs an infinite loop, calling scanList and then waiting until the start of the next scan interval, allowing for the time it took to scan the list. If a periodic scan list takes longer to process than its defined scan period, the next scan will be delayed by half a scan period, with a maximum of 1 second delay. This does not limit what scan rates can actually be implemented, as long as all the records in the list can be processed within the requested period. Persistent over-runs (more than 10 times in a row) will result in a warning message being logged. The total number of over-runs is counted by each scan thread and can be displayed using the scanppl command.

17.4.5 Scan Once scanOnce

void scanOnce (dbCommon *precord)

A task onceTask waits for requests to issue a dbProcess request. The routine scanOnce puts the address of the record to be processed in a ring buffer and wakes up onceTask.

This routine can be called from interrupt level. SetQueueSize

scanOnce places its request on a ring buffer. This is set by default to 1000 entries. It can be changed by executing the following command in the startup script before iocInit:

int scanOnceSetQueueSize(int size);

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Andrew Johnson 2014-10-17