Database Configuration Tool - Java Version ( JDCT)


John L Anderson and Soon-Ok Park

Argonne National Laboratory

December 1998




A database configuration tool (DCT313) for use on Unix-based machines using the Tcl/Tk language was released with EPICS 3.13 . In order to provide a database configuration tool which is independent of hardware type, JDCT was written in the Java language. Although JDCT looks and operates somewhat like DCT313, it includes several new features, such as, multiple record instance windows, "cut and paste" between windows, and improved user error handling. This code has been developed and tested on a Dell pentium PC / Windows95, but it is intended to run on Unix-based hardware.

DCT System Capabilities

Basic Principles

JDCT is designed to create and maintain EPICS record instance database (.db) files. In order for JDCT to execute properly, the user must provide a database definition (.dbd) file which cotains the specifications for the various record and device types that they intend to reference in any record instance database (.db) file to be created by JDCT. Once a database definition file has been specified, the user can create, copy, rename, delete, and save record instances using the various facilities available in JDCT. As JDCT executes, it attempts to trap and display the most common situations that might lead to diminishing the integrity of the user supplied information.


Running JDCT

epics\base\bin\win32 and



java jdct.Jdct filename1 filename2

where: filename1 is the name of a .dbd file (first)

filename2 is the name of a .db file (second) .

Note: if you prefer, filename1 and filename2 can be omitted from the command line, and later , when the application actually comes up, you must "Open" a .dbd file and a .db file (in that order).


The File Menu

Use the left mouse button to select one of the following options:

Open - provides a file selection window which will allow the user to open an existing database definition (.dbd) file and/or a record instance (.db) file.

Save or Save as - save the currently active record instances as a database (.db) file.

Clear - close the currently active record instance (.db) and database defintion (.dbd) files, without saving any of your most changes.

Clear db - close the currently active record instance (.db) file only, without saving any of your most recent changes.

Quit - to terminate the current JDCT session.




The Record Menu

Use the left mouse button to select one of the following options:

Create - create an entirely new record instance.

Delete - delete an existing record instance.

Copy - make an exact copy of an existing record instance and give it a new record name.

Rename - change the name of an existing record instance.


General Comments and Miscellaneous Information


Some additional features (that will be addressed in the future) :

Last update: 12/98