HiDEOS Generated Header Files and Functions

Message Types
All Message Headers
Message Table
Message Information

User Messages and Classes
Reference Manual

Message Types

All message processing programs must include this header file. This is the list of message ids and there enumerated names. Each enumerator for a message is the class name with the suffix "Type".

#include "gen/all_msg_ids.h"

Message types can be referred to by the labels instead of the integer code. Example for HiDEOS system with three message types defined:

	typedef enum {
	} MsgTypes;

All Message Headers

An easy way to get include all the message type header files. There is one include line per message type header file found in the system.

#include "gen/all_msgs.h"

Message Table

Contains a generated table used by the message pool system to create and copy message buffers. There is one create function generated for each message type in the system. This is the file that contains the code that knows how to create messages based on message ID only.


Message Information

The message searching utilities find all subclasses of message and record the name of the class and the header file in which it was found here.


Argonne National Laboratory Copyright Information
Jim Kowalkowski ([email protected])
updated 4/12/95