epvxiMsgLib(1)           USER COMMANDS             epvxiMsgLib(1)

VERSION @(#)drvEpvxi.nr  1.9  8/13/93
     epvxiMsgLib.c -  the  VXI  message  based  device  interface

     epvxiCmd - deliver a command to a message based device
     epvxiQuery - fetch a response from a message based device
     epvxiCmdQuery - send a command and fetch a response
     epvxiRead - read a string of bytes from a device
     epvxiWrite - write a string of bytes to a device
     epvxiSetTimeout - change the message based transfer timeout
     epvxiSetTraceEnable - turn trace mode on or off

     int epvxiCmd (la, command)
     int epvxiQuery (la, presponse)
     int epvxiCmdQuery (la, command, presponse)
     int epvxiRead (la, pbuffer, count, pactual_count, option)
     int epvxiWrite (la, pbuffer, pcount, pactual_count, option)
     int epvxiSetTimeout (la, timeout)
     int epvxiSetTraceEnable(la, enable)

     This library provides a vendor independent interface to  VXI
     message based devices. Device drivers which use this library
     may optionally open devices accessed by this  library  using
     epvxiOpen()  prior  to  use. Opening a device prevents other
     drivers from using it.

     less than zero- operation failed
     greater than zero- operation successful

     #define VXI_SUCCESS             0       /* successful completion        */
     #define VXI_NO_DEVICE           (-1)    /* device does not exist        */
     #define VXI_NOT_SLOT0           (-2)    /* not a slot zero device       */
     #define VXI_UKN_DEVICE          (-3)    /* device not supported         */
     #define VXI_BAD_TRIGGER         (-4)    /* no such trigger              */
     #define VXI_BAD_TRIG_IO         (-5)    /* no such trigger io           */
     #define VXI_DEVICE_OPEN         (-6)    /* device already open   */
     #define VXI_NOT_OWNER           (-7)    /* dev in use by another drv    */
     #define VXI_NO_MEMORY           (-8)    /* failed to allocate memory    */
     #define VXI_NOT_OPEN            (-9)    /* device not open              */
     #define VXI_NOT_MSG_DEVICE      (-10)   /* must be a message based dev*/
     #define VXI_MSG_DEVICE_TMO      (-11)   /* message based dev timed out  */
     #define VXI_MSG_DEVICE_FAILURE  (-12)   /* message based dev failed     */
     #define VXI_BAD_LA              (-13)   /* logical addr out of range    */
     #define VXI_MULTIPLE_QUERIES    (-14)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_UNSUPPORTED_CMD     (-15)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_DIR_VIOLATION       (-16)   /* serial protocol error        */

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     #define VXI_DOR_VIOLATION       (-17)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_RR_VIOLATION        (-18)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_WR_VIOLATION        (-19)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_ERR_FETCH_FAIL      (-20)   /* ukn serial protocol error    */
     #define VXI_SELF_TEST_FAILED    (-21)   /* self test failed      */


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epvxiCmd(2)               SYSTEM CALLS                epvxiCmd(2)

     epvxiCmd - deliver a command to a message based device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiCmd (la, command)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address  */
          unsigned long  command;  /* command          */

     Delivers a command to a message based device.

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiQuery(2)             SYSTEM CALLS              epvxiQuery(2)

     epvxiQuery - fetch a response from a message based device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiQuery (la, presponse)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address */
          unsigned long  *presponse;    /* response pointer      */

     Fetch a response from a message based device.

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  returns  from
     this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiCmdQuery(2)          SYSTEM CALLS           epvxiCmdQuery(2)

     epvxiCmdQuery - send a command and fetch a response  from  a
     message based device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiCmdQuery (la, command, presponse)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address       */
          unsigned long  command;  /* command               */
          unsigned long  *presponse;    /* response pointer      */

     Send a command and fetch a response  from  a  message  based

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiRead(2)              SYSTEM CALLS               epvxiRead(2)

     epvxiRead - read a string of bytes from a device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiRead (
          unsigned  la,       /* logical address */
          char      *pbuffer, /* pointer to supplied buffer */
          unsigned long  count,         /* number of bytes to read    */
          unsigned long  *pactual_count,     /* number of bytes read  */
          unsigned long  option         /* read options               */

     Read a string of bytes from a message based device using the
     byte  transfer protocol. Copy bytes into the supplied buffer
     until the end of string terminator is received from the dev-
     ice or the end of the buffer is reached as determined by the
     supplied  count.  Returns  the  number  of  bytes  read   in
     *pactual_count.   The  options  argument is a mask with each
     bit potentially representing a different option. If you need
     to  specify  more  than  one  option  then  you  must bit or
     together the option constants  which  apply.  Currently,  no
     read  options  are  supported. The option argument should be
     set to epvxiReadOptNone.

     Option Bit Mask        Purpose
     ---------------        -------
     epvxiReadOptNon        no options

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiWrite(2)             SYSTEM CALLS              epvxiWrite(2)

     epvxiWrite - write a string of bytes to a device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiWrite (
          unsigned  la,       /* logical address */
          char      *pbuffer, /* pointer to supplied buffer */
          unsigned long  count,         /* number of bytes to write   */
          unsigned long  *pactual_count,     /* number of bytes written */
          unsigned long  option         /* write options         */

     Write a string of bytes to a message based device using  the
     byte  transfer  protocol. Copy count bytes from the supplied
     buffer to the device. Returns the number of bytes written in
     *pactual_count.   The  options  argument is a mask with each
     bit potentially representing a different option. If you need
     to  specify  more  than  one  option  then  you  must bit or
     together the option constants which apply. Or  in  the  con-
     stant  epvxiWriteOptPartialMsg if the string sent is part of
     a larger message and it is  not  the  last  segment  of  the
     larger message.

     Option Bit Mask                 Purpose
     ---------------                 -------
     epvxiWriteOptNone               no options
     epvxiWriteOptPartialMsg         message continues after this transfer

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for an description of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiSetTimeout(2)        SYSTEM CALLS         epvxiSetTimeout(2)

     epvxiSetTimeout - change the message based transfer timeout

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiSetTimeout (la, timeout)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address */
          unsigned long  timeout;  /* milli-seconds prior to timeout */

     Set the delay prior to timeout for each portion of a message
     based VXI transfer. The default timeout is 10 seconds.

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiSetTraceEnable(2)    SYSTEM CALLS     epvxiSetTraceEnable(2)

     epvxiSetTraceEnable - set trace mode on or off

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiSetTraceEnable(la, enable)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address */
          int       enable;        /* T=trace on, F=trace off */

     Set trace mode on or off. If "enable"  is  true  then  trace
     mode  is  enabled.   If "enable" is false then trace mode is
     turned off. Trace mode is enable for each VXI message  based
     device independently.

     See epvxiMsgLib(1) for a description  of  the  return  codes
     from this library.

     epvxiMsgLib(1), epvxiLib(1)

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epvxiLib(1)              USER COMMANDS                epvxiLib(1)

     epvxiLib.c - the VXI driver support library

     epvxiLookupLA - find all devices matching a pattern
     epvxiUniqueDriverID - return a non zero unique identification for a VXI driver
     epvxiOpen - open a VXI device
     epvxiClose - close a VXI device
     epvxiPConfig - MACRO which returns a pointer to the drivers private structure
     epvxiFetchPConfig - similar to epvxiPConfig but with status
     epvxiRouteTriggerECL - route an ECL trigger to/from the front panel
     epvxiRouteTriggerTTL - route an TTL trigger to/from the front panel
     epvxiResman - perform VXI resource management and setup the MXI bus
     epvxiDeviceList - list which drivers own which devices
     epvxiCrateList - list all slot zero devices
     epvxiExtenderList - list all extender devices and there windows
     epvxiIOReport - list all VXI hardware in the system

     int epvxiLookupLA(pmatch_structure, pcallback, pargument)
     int epvxiUniqueDriverID()
     int epvxiOpen(la, driverID, structure_size, pioReportFunction)
     int epvxiClose(la, driverID)
     (<structure declaration> *) epvxiPConfig(la, driverID, <structure declaration>)
     int epvxiFetchPConfig(la, driverID, pConfig)
     int epvxiRouteTriggerECL (la, trigger, io)
     int epvxiRouteTriggerTTL(la, trigger, io)
     int epvxiResman()
     int epvxiDeviceList()
     int epvxiCrateList()
     int epvxiExtenderList()
     int epvxiIOReport(level)

     This is the structure used to specify  search  patterns  for
     epvxiLookupLA().   Set  a  bit  in the flags member for each
     item that is to be a constraint on  the  search.  All  other
     items  are  ignored during the search. The call back routine
     will be called for all devices which exactly match all items
     specified in the flags field

     #define VXI_DSP_make          (1<<0)
     #define VXI_DSP_model         (1<<1)
     #define VXI_DSP_class         (1<<2)
     #define VXI_DSP_slot          (1<<3)
     #define VXI_DSP_slot_zero_la  (1<<4)
     #define VXI_DSP_commander_la  (1<<5)
     #define VXI_DSP_extender_la     (1<<6)    /* id crates that have one */

     typedef struct {
          long      flags;         /* one bit enabling each field     */
          unsigned short make;          /* manufacture identification */
          unsigned short model;         /* model code for the device  */

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          unsigned short class;         /* VXI device class      */
          unsigned char  slot;          /* slot where the device resides */
          unsigned char  slot_zero_la;  /* logical address of slot 0 device */
          unsigned char  commander_la   /* logical address of commander */
          unsigned char  extender_la    /* logical address of bus repeater */

     Low level support needed if you are writing a VXI driver:
     * Determine the logical address of all devices in a particular slot
     * Determine the logical address of all devices of a particular make or model
     * Prevent two drivers from accessing the same card
     * Prevent a driver from accessing a nonexistent card
     * Return a pointer to the driver's private variables given a logical address
     * Device independent front panel trigger routing on the slot zero device

     The message based device interface library epvxiMsgLib(1) is
     an  example  of  a  VXI  driver which utilizes this core VXI
     driver support.


     less than zero- operation failed
     greater than zero- operation successful

     #define VXI_SUCCESS             0       /* successful completion        */
     #define VXI_NO_DEVICE           (-1)    /* device does not exist        */
     #define VXI_NOT_SLOT0           (-2)    /* not a slot zero device       */
     #define VXI_UKN_DEVICE          (-3)    /* device not supported         */
     #define VXI_BAD_TRIGGER         (-4)    /* no such trigger              */
     #define VXI_BAD_TRIG_IO         (-5)    /* no such trigger io           */
     #define VXI_DEVICE_OPEN         (-6)    /* device already open         */
     #define VXI_NOT_OWNER           (-7)    /* dev in use by another drv    */
     #define VXI_NO_MEMORY           (-8)    /* failed to allocate memory    */
     #define VXI_NOT_OPEN            (-9)    /* device not open              */
     #define VXI_NOT_MSG_DEVICE      (-10)   /* must be a message based dev  */
     #define VXI_MSG_DEVICE_TMO      (-11)   /* message based dev timed out  */
     #define VXI_MSG_DEVICE_FAILURE  (-12)   /* message based dev failed     */
     #define VXI_BAD_LA              (-13)   /* logical addr out of range    */
     #define VXI_MULTIPLE_QUERIES    (-14)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_UNSUPPORTED_CMD     (-15)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_DIR_VIOLATION       (-16)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_DOR_VIOLATION       (-17)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_RR_VIOLATION        (-18)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_WR_VIOLATION        (-19)   /* serial protocol error        */
     #define VXI_ERR_FETCH_FAIL      (-20)   /* ukn serial protocol error    */
     #define VXI_SELF_TEST_FAILED    (-21)   /* self test failed      */

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epvxiLib(1)              USER COMMANDS                epvxiLib(1)

     #define VXI_TIMEOUT_TO_LARGE    (-22)   /* supplied timeout to long     */
     #define VXI_PROTOCOL_ERROR      (-23)   /* protocol error               */


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epvxiLookupLA(2)          SYSTEM CALLS           epvxiLookupLA(2)

     epvxiLookupLA - find all of the devices  matching  a  search

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiLookupLA(pmatch_structure, pcallback, pargument)
     epvxiDeviceSearchPattern *pmatch_structure;
     void                (*pcallback)();
     void                *pargument;

      * your call back
     void callback(la, pargument)
     unsigned  la;
     void      *pargument;

     Find all devices in the system matching the  search  pattern
     and  call  the  specified  call  back  for each of them. The
     search pattern is specified by filling fields in the  struc-
     ture epvxiDeviceSearchPattern and setting the flags field of
     the same structure to match. For example:

     epvxiDeviceSearchPattern dsp;
     dsp.make = VXI_MAKE_HP;
     dsp.model = 0xffc;
     dsp.flags = VXI_DSP_make | VXI_DSP_model;
     epvxiLookupLA(&dsp, pcallback, pargument);

     A list of these constants can be  found  in  epvxiLib.h  and
     device make codes can be found in epvxi.h

     This is the structure used to specify  search  patterns  for
     epvxiLookupLA().   Set  a  bit  in the flags member for each
     item that is to be a constraint on  the  search.  All  other
     items  are  ignored during the search. The call back routine
     will be called for all devices which exactly match all items
     specified in the flags field

     #define VXI_DSP_make          (1<<0)
     #define VXI_DSP_model         (1<<1)
     #define VXI_DSP_class         (1<<2)
     #define VXI_DSP_slot          (1<<3)
     #define VXI_DSP_slot_zero_la  (1<<4)
     #define VXI_DSP_commander_la  (1<<5)

     typedef struct {

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epvxiLookupLA(2)          SYSTEM CALLS           epvxiLookupLA(2)

          long      flags;         /* one bit enabling each field     */
          unsigned short make;          /* manufacture identification */
          unsigned short model;         /* model code for the device  */
          unsigned short class;         /* VXI device class      */
          unsigned char  slot;          /* slot where the device resides */
          unsigned char  slot_zero_la;  /* logical address of slot 0 device */
          unsigned char  commander_la   /* logical address of commander */

     Returns a non zero unique constant to be used  as  a  driver


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epvxiUniqueDriverID(2)    SYSTEM CALLS     epvxiUniqueDriverID(2)

     epvxiUniqueDriverID - return a non zero  unique  identifica-
     tion for a VXI driver

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiUniqueDriverID ()

     Should be called once only by each type  of  VXI  driver  to
     uniquely  identify itself. The routines in epvxiDrvLib.c use
     this constant to prevent a VXI device from being accessed by
     the wrong driver.


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epvxiOpen(2)              SYSTEM CALLS               epvxiOpen(2)

     epvxiOpen - open a VXI device for a VXI driver

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiOpen (la, epvxiDriverID, structureSize, pio_report_func)
          unsigned  la;
          int       epvxiDriverID;
          unsigned long  structureSize;
          void      (*pio_report_func)();

     void pio_report_func(la, level)
     unsigned  la;
     int       level;

     Records this driver as the owner of the device at the speci-
     fied  logical  address  la  and verifies that the device has
     passed it's self test.   Allocates  memory  of  size  struc-
     tureSize and saves a pointer to this memory with the logical
     address for future use by  the  driver  with  identification
     epvxiDriverID  for its private configuration.  Installs call
     back routine pio_report_func as an io report function to  be
     called  each  time  the user requests the status of VXI dev-
     ices. This routine is called with the logical address and an
     integer  specifying  the  detail  level of the report as the
     first and second arguments respectively.  The  macro  epvxi-
     FetchPConfig  returns  a pointer to this block if the speci-
     fied device has been opened by the specified driver.

     epvxiUniqueDriverID() epvxiFetchPConfig() epvxiLib(1),

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epvxiClose(2)             SYSTEM CALLS              epvxiClose(2)

     epvxiClose - close a VXI device for a VXI driver

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiClose (la, vxiDriverID)
          unsigned  la;
          int       vxiDriverID;

     Releases driver ownership of the  device  at  the  specified
     logical  address  la.  Deallocates  memory  in  use  for the
     driver's private configuration.


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epvxiFetchPConfig(2)      SYSTEM CALLS       epvxiFetchPConfig(2)

     epvxiFetchPConfig - macro  which  loads  a  pointer  to  the
     drivers private structure

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int evxiFetchPConfig (la, vxiDriverID, pConfig)
     unsigned  la;
     int       vxiDriverID;
     stuct XXXXXX   *pConfig;

     epvxiFetchPConfig() is a MACRO which loads a pointer to  the
     devices private configuration block (ie pConfig above). This
     macro replaces the macro epvxiPConfig() which  didnt  return

     This routine performs two functions:
     1) Loads a pointer to the device's configuration block.
     2) Informs your driver if the specified device does not exist or has
          been opened by another driver.


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epvxiRouteTriggerECL(2)   SYSTEM CALLS    epvxiRouteTriggerECL(2)

     epvxiRouteTriggerECL - route  an  ECL  trigger  to/from  the
     front panel of a supported VXI device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiRouteTriggerECL (la, trigger, io)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address  */
          unsigned        enable_map;     /* bits 0-5  correspond to trig 0-5   */
                                        /* a 1 enables a trigger              */
                                        /* a 0 disables a trigger             */
          unsigned        io_map;         /* bits 0-5  correspond to trig 0-5   */
                                        /* a 1 sources the front panel        */
                                        /* a 0 sources the back plane         */

     Route a VXI backplane trigger to or from the front panel  of
     a   slot  zero  device.  The  bits  in  argument  enable_map
     correspond to an enable for  triggers  0-5  (1  enables  the
     trigger  and  0  disables the trigger). The bits in argument
     io_map set the direction for triggers  0-5  (1  sources  the
     front panel and 0 sources the backplane).

     Most VXI slot zero devices have one trigger output  and  one
     trigger  input  connector.  The  trigger input connector can
     drive multiple VXI backplane triggers.  The  trigger  output
     connector  should  be  driven  by  only one of the backplane
     triggers at a time.


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epvxiRouteTriggerTTL(2)   SYSTEM CALLS    epvxiRouteTriggerTTL(2)

     epvxiRouteTriggerTTL - route  an  TTL  trigger  to/from  the
     front panel of a supported VXI device

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiRouteTriggerTTL (la, trigger, io)
          unsigned  la;       /* logical address       */
          unsigned        enable_map;     /* bits 0-5  correspond to trig 0-5   */
                                        /* a 1 enables a trigger              */
                                        /* a 0 disables a trigger             */
          unsigned        io_map;         /* bits 0-5  correspond to trig 0-5   */
                                        /* a 1 sources the front panel        */
                                        /* a 0 sources the back plane         */

     Route a VXI backplane trigger to or from the front panel  of
     a   slot  zero  device.  The  bits  in  argument  enable_map
     correspond to an enable for  triggers  0-5  (1  enables  the
     trigger  and  0  disables the trigger). The bits in argument
     io_map set the direction for triggers  0-5  (1  sources  the
     front panel and 0 sources the backplane).

     Most VXI slot zero devices have one trigger output  and  one
     trigger  input  connector.  The  trigger input connector can
     drive multiple VXI backplane triggers.  The  trigger  output
     connector  should  be  driven  by  only one of the backplane
     triggers at a time.


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epvxiResman(2)            SYSTEM CALLS             epvxiResman(2)

     epvxiResman - perform VXI resource management  and  MXI  bus

     #include <epvxiLib.h>
     int epvxiResman ()

          MXI bus background information

     o    A MXI bus extender facilitates bus communication between
          a VME bus master and a VME bus slave that are installed
          in different crates. MXI bus extenders can be joined
          together in a hierarchy interconnected by the MXI bus.

     o    A MXI bus extender's LA window determines the VXI LA range
          over which local VME bus master initiated requests are
          extended onto the MXI bus.

     o    A MXI bus extender's LA window also determines the MXI
          LA range over which MXI extended bus master requests
          are allowed to be further extended into the local VXI bus.

     o    MXI bus extenders are always SC devices. A MXI bus
          extenders are always accessible from the MXI bus
          invariant of the location of its LA window.
          Conclusion: the LA of a MXI does not constrain the
          location of its LA window.

     o    Each MXI's LA window must be large enough to contain all
          of the MXI bus extender LA windows beneath it in the
          hierarchy. A MXI's LA window may not overlap the windows of
          any other MXI'at the same level in the hierarchy.

     o    SC devices within one crate must be within a block
          which does not overlap the LA windows of other
          MXI bus extenders at the same level in the
          hierarchy. Likewise SC devices within one crate
          must not overlap the LA windows of MXI bus
          extenders at a lower level in the hierarchy.

          EPICS VXI resource manager background information

     o    The EPICS VXI resource manager will always successfully
          allocate all DC devices in a DC MXI bus system if
          the available LA address range is large enough and
          if all devices other than the resource manager and
          the MXIs are DC.

     o    Otherwise if some of the devices in the system
          (other than the MXIs and the resource manager) are

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epvxiResman(2)            SYSTEM CALLS             epvxiResman(2)

          SC then the burden is placed on the project
          engineer to guarantee that SC devices are located
          such that nonoverlapping MXI LA windows can
          be allocated by the resource manager. Additionally
          the project enginner must locate the SC devices
          so that there is sufficient space to allocate the LAs
          of DC devices into nonoverlapping MXI LA windows.
          If the project engineer locates SC devices
          correctly the resource manager will always find the
          corresponding window hierarchy that provides
          access to all devices. If the project engineer
          improperly locates SC devices the resource manager
          will detect it and print a message.

     o    The CPU running the EPICS VXI resource manager is at the
          root of the MXI hierarchy.

     o    The resource manager will never allocate a DC device
          at a LA overlapping an interrupt vector already
          allocated to another device (use "veclist()" to
          determine what vectors are in use).

          Resource manager DC device allocation rules

     o    When DC devices are allocated they will be placed between
          existing SC devices (in the same extender) first.
          Next they will be placed after existing DC devices
          (in the same extender). If there isn't room above existing
          DC devices then the resource manager will attempt to
          allocate DC device beneath the existing SC devices.
          If devices in other extenders (the limits of other windows)
          bracket the upper and lower limits of an extender's
          window there may not be enough space to allocate
          all of the DC devices present in a crate.
          If so, a warning message will be printed and the DC
          device will not be allocated a valid LA.

     o    If the only SC device in a crate is the MXI granting access
          to the crate then the resource manager will be free to place
          any DC devices found in a contiguous block where there is room.
          The resource manager requires block allocation because the MXI
          address window must contain only the DC device LA assignments
          for the current crate. This contiguous block will be placed
          at the highest open LA block available. If a contiguous block
          of sufficient size is not found then none of the DC devices will
          be allocated (assigned) valid LAs and a warning message
          will be printed. This block will not be anchored in any way
          to the SC LA of the extender that provides access to the
          DC devices in the crate.

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epvxiResman(2)            SYSTEM CALLS             epvxiResman(2)

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