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4. Building Components

4.1. Locating Make Rules

Most directories in a <top> which contain human editable files also contain one or more Makefiles. A Makefile normally includes a file from <top>/config. Thus the Makefile "inherits" rules and definitions from config. The files in config may in turn include files from <base>/config or from some <supporttop>/config . This technique makes it possible to share make variables and even rules across applications.

4.2. Make

Where make is used

gnumake can be executed in any subdirectory where a Makefile appears, which is almost every subdirectory. Executing gnumake in a particular directory usually causes it to descend into any subdirectories and run any Makefiles found there as well.
The most useful commands at the top level directory are:

This rebuilds and installs everything which is not up to date.
NOTE: Executing gnumake without arguments is the same as gnumake install

gnumake clean
This can be used to save disk space by deleting the O.<arch> directories from the xxxApp areas, but does not remove any installed files from the bin, db, dbd etc. directories.

gnumake rebuild
This is the same as gnumake clean install. If you are unsure about the state of the generated files in an application, just execute gnumake rebuild.

gnumake clean uninstall
This command removes everything created and installed by gnumake.

gnumake tar
This command makes a tar image of the entire <top> directory (excluding any CVS directories).

Starting with release 3.13.2 running gnumake in this directory creates the file CONFIG_APP_INCLUDE.

Two useful commands at this level are gnumake or gnumake rebuild, which are the same as issuing the same command in each subdirectory of xxxApp.

Running the command gnumake (which is the same as executing gnumake install) builds and installs all out of date host and IOC components described by the files Makefile.Host and Makefile.Vx. The builds are performed in subdirectories O.<arch>.

It is possible to build for a single architecture via the command gnumake <arch>. For example, if your IOC uses an MVME167 CPU, then the build directory used is O.mv167, and the command is gnumake mv167.

Another useful command is gnumake clean which deletes the O.<arch> build directories created by make. .<arch> can be appended to invoke clean for a single architecture.

The command gnumake rebuild is the same as gnumake clean install.

Executing gnumake in this directory generates and installs database instance files, template and substitution files from plain sources or CapFast schematics.

Executing gnumake here is the same as issuing gnumake in each subdirectory of iocBoot.
Executing gnumake in these directories creates their cdCommands files. See the section <top>/iocBoot/iocxxx/Makefile  below for details.

Make targets

The following is a summary of targets that can be specified for gnumake: where:
sun4, solaris, hp700, mv167, etc. - builds named architecture only.
host - builds for host architecture only.
cross - builds for vxWorks architecture(s) only.
clean, inc, install, build, rebuild, buildInstall, uninstall, or tar
NOTE: uninstall and tar can only be specified at <top>
subdirectory name

4.3. Description of Makefiles


This makefile performs a gnumake in the xxxApp and iocBoot subdirectories. In addition it allows the top level make options uninstall and tar as described in the previous section. There is seldom need to modify this file.


This makefile just executes gnumake in each  *src*, *Src* , *db* and *Db* subdirectory.


The following IOC related components can be built:
Breakpoint Tables
For each breakpoint table add the definition
BPTS += <table name>.dbd
Record Support
For each new record type, the following definition should be added to the makefile:
RECTYPES += <rectype>Record.h
and the associated record support file <rectype>Record.dbd must exist.
If a menuXXX.dbd file is present, then add the following definition:
MENUS += menu<name>.h
Expanded Database Definition File
Files containing database definition files are expanded by utility dbExpand and installed into <top>/dbd. The following variables control the process:
DBDEXPAND += xxxInclude.dbd
DBDNAME = xxxApp.dbd
USER_DBDFLAGS += -I <include path>
USER_DBDFLAGS += -S <macro substitutions>

DBDINSTALL += xxx.dbd
where the entries are:
A list of files containing database definitions to be expanded.
The name of the output file to contain the expanded definitions which will be installed into <top>/dbd.
Flags for dbExpand. Currently only an include path and macro substitution are supported.
Installs the named files into <top>/dbd without expansion.

Makefile.Host has many facilities for building host components. Definitions given below containing <arch> can be used to provide settings for use when building for a specific host architecture, and the <arch> part of the name should be replaced by the architecture concerned, e.g. solaris, hp700 etc. If a _DEFAULT setting is given but a particular <arch> requires that the default not be used and the required setting is blank, the value "-nil-" should be assigned to the relevent < arch> variable definition.

Products to be built
PRODProduct names (without execution suffix) to build and install (e.g. PROD=myprod)
SRCSSource files needed by every PROD (e.g. SRCS=a.c b.c c.c)
<prod>_SRCSSource files needed to build a specific PROD (e.g. myprod_SRCS=a.c b.c c.c)
PROD_<arch>os specific products to build and install
<prod>_SRCS_<arch>os specific source files to build a specific PROD
PROD_DEFAULTproducts to build and install for systems with no PROD_<arch> specified
<prod>_SRCS_DEFAULTsource files needed to build a specific PROD for systems with no <prod>_SRCS_<arch> specified
Building libraries
LIBRARYName of library to build. The name should NOT include a prefix or extension, e.g. specify Ca to build libCa.a on Unix, Ca.lib, CaObj.lib or Ca.dll on WIN32
LIBSRCSSource files for building LIBRARY (e.g. LIBSRCS=la.c lb.c lc.c)
LIBSRCS_<arch>os-specific library source files
LIBSRCS_DEFAULTLibrary source files for systems with no LIBSRCS_<arch> specified
SHARED_LIBRARIESBuild shared libraries? Must be YES or NO
SHARED_LIBRARIES_<arch>Build shared libraries on <arch>? Must be YES or NO
SHARED_LIBRARIES_DEFAULTBuild shared libraries for os systems with no SHARED_LIBRARIES_<arch> specified
SHRLIB_VERSIONShared library version number
Compiler flags
USR_CFLAGSC compiler flags for all systems
USR_CFLAGS_<arch>os-specific C compiler flags
USR_CFLAGS_DEFAULTC compiler flags for systems with no USR_CFLAGS_<arch> specified
<prod>_CFLAGSprod specific C compiler flags (e.g. xxxRecord_CFLAGS=-g)
USR_CXXFLAGSC++ compiler flags for all systems
USR_CXXFLAGS_<arch>os-specific C++ compiler flags
USR_CXXFLAGS_DEFAULTC++ compiler flags for systems with no USR_CXXFLAGS_<arch> specified
<prod>_CXXFLAGSprod specific C++ compiler flags
USR_CPPFLAGSC pre-processor flags (for all makefile compiles)
USR_CPPFLAGS_<arch>os specific cpp flags
USR_CPPFLAGS_DEFAULTcpp flags for systems with no USR_CPPFLAGS_<arch> specified
<prod>_CPPFLAGSprod specific C pre-processor flags (e.g. xxxRecord_CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG)
USR_INCLUDESDirectories to search for include files with -I prefix (e.g. -I$(EPICS_EXTENSIONS_INCLUDE))
<prod>_INCLUDESDirectories to search for include files when building a specific product(e.g. -I$(MOTIF_INC))
Linker options
USR_LDFLAGSlinker options (for all makefile links)
USR_LDFLAGS_<arch>os specific linker options (for all makefile links)
USR_LDFLAGS_DEFAULTlinker options for systems with no USR_LDFLAGS_<arch> specified
<prod>_LDFLAGSprod specific ld flags
USR_LIBSload libraries (e.g. -lXt -lX11) (for all makefile links)
USR_LIBS_<arch>os specific load libraries (for all makefile links)
USR_LIBS_DEFAULTload libraries for systems with no USR_LIBS_<arch> specified
<prod>_LIBSprod specific ld libraries (e.g. probe_LIBS=X11 Xt)
PROD_LIBSlibs needed to link every PROD for all systems
PROD_LIBS_<arch>os-specific libs needed to link every PROD
PROD_LIBS_DEFAULTlibs needed to link every PROD for systems with no PROD_LIBS_<arch> specified
<lib>_DIRDirectory to search for the specified lib. (For libs listed in PROD_LIBS, <prod>_LIBS and USR_LIBS)
SYS_PROD_LIBSsystem libs needed to link every PROD for all systems
SYS_PROD_LIBS_<arch>os-specific system libs needed to link every PROD
SYS_PROD_LIBS_DEFAULTsystem libs needed to link every PROD for systems with no SYS_PROD_LIBS_<arch> specified
<prod>_SYS_LIBSprod specific system ld libraries (e.g. m)
Header files to be installed
INCList of include files to install into $(INSTALL_DIR)/include
INC_<arch>os specific includes to installed under $(INSTALL_DIR)/include/os/<arch>
INC_DEFAULTinclude files to install where no INC_<arch> is specified
Perl, csh, tcl etc. script installation
SCRIPTSscripts to install for all systems
SCRIPTS_<arch>os-specific scripts to install
SCRIPTS_DEFAULTscripts to install for systems with no SCRIPTS_<arch> specified
TCLLIBNAMEList of tcl scripts to install into $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/<arch> (Unix hosts only)
TCLINDEXName of tcl index file to create from TCLLIBNAME scripts
Test programs
TESTPRODProduct names (without execution suffix) to build but not install. Built from source file having same name.
TESTPROD_SRCSList of source files needed to build every TESTPROD
MAN1 MAN2 MAN3 etc.List of man files to be installed into relevent $(INSTALL_DIR)/man/man? subdirectory
DOCSList of text files to be installed into the $(INSTALL_DIR)/doc directory
HTMLS_DIRHypertext directory to be created as $(INSTALL_DIR)/html/$(HTMLS_DIR)
HTMLSList of files to be installed into the $(INSTALL_DIR)/html/$(HTMLS_DIR) directory
TEMPLATES_DIRTemplate directory to be created as $(INSTALL_DIR)/templates/$(TEMPLATE_DIR)
TEMPLATESList of template files to be installed into $(TEMPLATE_DIR)
Options for other programs
YACCOPTyacc options
LEXOPTlex options
SNCFLAGSsnc options
E2DB_FLAGSe2db options
SCH2EDIF_FLAGSsch2edif options
RANLIBFLAGSranlib options
Miscellaneous settings
CMPLRC compiler selection, TRAD, ANSI or STRICT (default is STRICT)
INSTALL_LOCATIONLocation of install directory (default $(TOP))
USER_VPATHList of directories that gnumake should search for source files not in the current directory
HOST_WARNAre compiler warning messages desired (YES or NO) (default is NO)
HOST_OPTIs compiler optimization desired (default is NO optimization)
STATIC_BUILDIs static build desired (YES or NO) (default is NO)
Facilities for building Java programs
CLASSESNames of Java classes to be built and installed
TESTCLASSESNames of Java classes to be built
PACKAGENames of Java package to be installed
JARName of Jar file to be built
JAR_INPUTNames of files to be included in JAR
MANIFESTName of manifest file for JAR
Facilities for Windows 95/NT resource ( .rc) files
RCSResource files needed to build every PROD
<prod>_RCSResource files needed to build a specific PROD
<prod>_RCS_<arch>os specific resource files to build a specific PROD


Note that the rules for Makefile.Vx are older and subtly different to those for Makefile.Host. The following components can be built:
Record Support
For each new record type, the following definitions must be added to the makefile
LIBOBJS += <rectype>Record.o
and both source files <rectype>Record.c and <rectype>Record.dbd must exist.

Device, Driver, other C modules
For each such module, add a definition:
LIBOBJS += <name>.o
All such files will be combined into the library specified by LIBNAME. It is also possible to generate object files not placed in LIBNAME by using either of the definitions:
PROD += <name>.o
TARGETS += <name>.o
Both will cause the specified file to be generated, but PROD will also install the generated file into <top>/bin/<target_arch>.

Library files
A file containing all LIBOBJS is installed into <top>/bin/<arch> with the name specified by LIBNAME. For example:
LIBNAME = xxxLib
State Notation Programs
For each state notation program, add the definition:
LIBOBJS += <name>.o
The state notation programs must be called <name>.st .

Scripts, etc.
A definition of the form:
SCRIPTS += <name>
results in file <name> being installed from the src directory to the <top>/bin/<arch> directory.

iocCore and seq
In order to have iocCore and seq in the bin directory where the standard st.cmd file expects to find them, the following must appear:
INSTALLS += iocCore seq
NOTE: The above line only needs to appear in one application within each <ioctop>.
Other definitions:

USR_CFLAGSC compiler flags
<prod>_CFLAGSproduct specific C compiler flags
USR_CXXFLAGSC++ compiler flags
<prod>_CXXFLAGSproduct specific C++ compiler flags
CPPFLAGScpp flags
<prod>_CPPFLAGSproduct specific cpp flags
USR_INCLUDESInclude directory (e.g. -I$(EPICS_EXTENSIONS_BIN))
USR_LDFLAGSlinker options
<prod>_LDFLAGSproduct specific ld flags
INCheader files to install
BIN_INSTALLSFiles in any directory to install to $(INSTALL_BIN)
YACCOPTyacc options
LEXOPTlex options
SNCFLAGSsnc options
<prod>_SNCFLAGSproduct specific state notation language flags
VX_WARNCompiler warning messages desired (YES or NO) (default NO)
VX_OPTIs compiler optimization desired (YES or NO) (default is NO optimization)
INSTALL_LOCATIONInstallation directory (defaults to $(TOP))


This makefile creates and installs databases and related files.


Supported are: For template generated databases either the fully inflated database or the template and substitutions files may be installed (so the IOC may load the database using dbLoadRecords() or dbLoadTemplate() ).

For all these types of databases, the names of the files to install have to be specified. Make will figure out how to generate these files:

DB += xxx.db
Generates xxx.db depending on which source files exist. If xxx.db is template generated, the inflated database will be installed.
DB += xxx.template xxx.substitutions
Generates and installs these files, i.e. the database must be inflated on the IOC using dbLoadTemplate().
In order to record dependency information correctly all template files that are needed but not installed (i.e. those not listed in DB ), must be added to the USES_TEMPLATE variable:
USES_TEMPLATE += yyy.template
USES_TEMPLATE += $(SHARE)/installDb/zzz.template
If specified with a path (full or relative), the templates will be soft linked (UNIX) or copied (WIN) into the O.<arch> directory. After the first make run, template dependencies will be generated automatically.

If one or more xxx.substitutions files are to be created by script, the script name must be placed in the CREATESUBSTITUTIONS variable (e.g. This script will be executed by gnumake with the prefix of the substitution file name to be generated as its argument.

NOTE: If (and only if) there are script generated substitutions files, the prefix of any inflated database's name may not equal the prefix of the name of any template used within the directory.

Other definitions:

E2DB_FLAGS e2db options
SCH2EDIF_FLAGS sch2edif options

Related Files

Expanded Database Definition File
Files containing database definition files are expanded by utility dbExpand and installed into <top>/dbd. The following variables control the process:
DBDEXPAND += xxxInclude.dbd
DBDNAME = xxxApp.dbd
USER_DBDFLAGS += -I <include path>
USER_DBDFLAGS += -S <macro substitutions>

DBDINSTALL += xxx.dbd
where the entries are:

A list of files containing database definitions to be expanded.
The name of the output file to contain the expanded definitions which will be installed into <top>/dbd.
Flags for dbExpand. Currently only an include path and macro substitution are supported.
Installs the named files into <top>/dbd without expansion.
Breakpoint Tables
For each breakpoint table add the following definition
BPTS += <table name>.dbd


This executes gnumake in each iocxxx subdirectory.


This makefile has a rule to generate the cdCommands file. Make sure that the definition:
ARCH = <arch>
refers to the correct architecture for your IOC processor.

Since cdCommands is generated, the user created and/or modified files can be independent of location, using the cdCommands definitions to provide path names where needed. See 3.2. Directory Structure: cdCommands for details.

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