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7. APS/ASD Configuration Management Procedures

7.1. Overview

This section describes a set of procedures for managing ioc software. EVERYTHING is for the sole purpose of supporting iocs, thus it does not discuss management of high level applications. The procedures are intended for an operational facility. During commissioning activities some more relaxed procedures may be appropriate.

The Configuration Management process described here relies on a certain level of understanding and responsibility by the engineers who implement it, and may not always rigorously maintain a previous "known working" set of software online for an IOC to be rolled back to in the event of problems while making changes. It is always possible to retrieve the last version from the system backup tapes, but this may not be acceptable for some high-availability applications. Sites desiring more beaurocratic but "safer" procedures may wish to contact JLAB or SNS to find out about their approaches.

The key features of the APS Configuration Management System are:


Before EPICS base release 3.13, APS/ASD used an Application Source Release control system called appSR. appSR uses SCCS for source file control. Since appSR was written several things that impact S/R control have changed. For the above reasons we decided to redo the APS/ASD IOC Applications S/R control system. Our goals were: A major decision was What directory structure should we use. Before the original appSR was written a lot of discussion went into this topic. There were several meetings between the Application Developers and Bob Zieman, who implemented appSR. This directory structure was used to implement the entire APS/ASD contol system software. Thus a lot of correct decisions were made. The only major problem is that it was not easy to share code, mainly record/device/driver support, across <top> areas. This resulted in sharing by copying source modules from one <top> area to another. When one developer would make changes to a source module, the other developers would often not even be aware of the changes. Thus over time the source modules evolved in different directions.

Since the overall directory layout appears to be correct, it is kept in the new system. A brief description of the APS/ASD environment may help explain why the directory layout works.

One other topic to discuss before describing the overall directory structure is the idealized Application Development Cycle. It consists of the following steps: In reality there is overlap between these steps. In addition as new needs arise the three steps again have to be performed. However, an application developer tends to spend a large part of his/her attention on each step before moving on to the next step.

7.2. CVS Repository for IOC Applications

The cvs tree is arranged in two parts:
So at APS/ASD the repository tree is:

7.3. Adding a new <top> to the CVS repository

This section provides guidelines for creating a new <top> application that will be maintained in the local cvs repository, i.e. it does NOT apply to <top> applications maintained somewhere else.

Assume you have a directory tree starting at <working>/<newtop> that you want to put in the cvs repository at location $CVSROOT/<system>/<newtop>Just issue the commands:

cd <working>/<newtop>
gnumake clean uninstall
cvs import -m "Creating" <system>/<newtop> <newtop> start
where <system> is either support or ioc.

A .cvsignore file should appear in all <top> areas and also in all <top>/iocBoot/ioxxxx directories.

<top>/.cvsignore should contain:

<top>/iocBoot/iocxxx/.cvsignore should contain:
.cvsignore files are added to the repository just like any other file.

Documentation and Release Notes

Each <top> should provide some documentation describing the application and also release notes describing each release. The release notes should mention any dependencies on other <top> applications it uses. The recommended documentation format, at least for release notes, is HTML. These documents can be put in any directory containing a Makefile.Host. Adding the lines:
HTMLS += xxx.html
to this Makefile will result in xxx.html being installed into the directory $(INSTALL_LOCATION)/html/., where $(INSTALL_LOCATION) is normally <top> The HTMLS_DIR value can be used to target a subdirectory under $(INSTALL_LOCATION)/html , useful for longer documents with many sections and graphics files.

7.4. Operations Directory Structure

An operations tree has the structure:


If only bug fixes are being applied to EPICS base then a new RX.XX.X directory is generally not needed. Instead a new support/base/x-y-site release can be created.

A portion of the actual APS/ASD operations area is:

            3-13-1-asd1/  This is actually 3.13.1 with bug fixes
            1-3/          What is left after unbundling
        others as they get converted to 3.13.1

7.5. Support Management

7.5.1 Overview

A <supporttop> must follow a few simple rules in order to be used by an <ioctop>. Thus it must have the following directory structure:
NOTE: Most <supporttop>s will need only a subset of bin, lib, dbd, db and include .

At least the following two types of support areas may be used by an <ioctop>

In addition an application might use commercial products. Since these products are not under our control, each <ioctop> has to decide how to use the product. Wherever possible, however, the product location should be defined by a line in the <ioctop>/config/RELEASE file.

7.5.2. Procedures for <supporttop> Maintained in Local Repository


Developer's Cookbook

General Guidelines:

Initial Checkout:

A private working version of <supporttop> is checked out via the commands:
cd <support>
cvs checkout -d <supporttop> support/<supporttop>
cd <supporttop>
    all development done here

Tagging a new release:

When changes have been made and it is time for operational use, all changes should be committed and a new release tag created:
cd <support>/<supporttop>
    make sure all changes have been committed
cvs tag Rx-y
Tags should take the form Rx-y, where x is a major release number for the module and y is a minor release number. For example the first release is R1-1, the next minor release R1-2, etc.

You can see all previous tags by issuing the commands:

cd <support>/<supporttop>
cvs status -v Makefile
After tagging the new release you should notify operations to install it in the operations tree.

Creating a tar file:

If you also want to create a tar file of containing the new release for use elsewhere, you should not just tar up your working directory, but instead use the following commands:
cd <somewhere>
cvs export -kv -d <supporttop>-x.y -r Rx-y support/<supporttop>
tar cf <supporttop>-x.y.tar <supporttop>-x.y
gzip <supporttop>-x.y.tar
Note that the naming conventions used for the export directory and tar file above (a hyphen `-' separates the name and release number, and the release number has a period `.' between major and minor parts) are those used for most open source software. The -kv option to cvs export instructs it to expand RCS keywords so that they will be preserved without further change if the resulting files are ever imported into a different CVS repository, thus preserving their history.

Patching Old Releases

NOTE: This should seldom be necessary.

If it becomes unavoidable to apply patches to an old release instead of upgrading to a newer version, a branch must be created in the repository to hold these changes. The following procedure demonstrates this:

cvs rtag -b -r Rx-y Bx-y support/<supporttop>
cd <somewhere>
cvs checkout -d <supporttop>/Bx-y -r Bx-y support/<supporttop>
cd <supporttop>Bx-y
    make, test and commit changes
cvs tag Rx-y-1
The cvs rtag -b can be issued from anywhere as it creates the branch tag Bx-y by working directly on the files in the repository. The checkout command specifying -r Bx-y then retrieves that new branch. All subsequent cvs commands issued in the new area will apply to the branch rather than the versions on the main trunk. The command cvs tag Rx-y-1 makes a tag for modified version on this branch. A good convention to follow is that branch releases should have the same tag as the release with -i appended, where i represents the patch release number for this branch. Thus the first patch is Rx-y-1, the second Rx-y-2 etc.

Operations Cookbook

Managing local <supporttop> modules

Installing a new release for use in the Operations Area

Operations installs a new <supporttop> by exporting the new release into the operational directory tree:
cd <operations>/RX.XX.X/support/<supporttop>
cvs -r export -d x-y -r Rx-y support/<supporttop>
cd x-y
Note that the operations version is created using cvs export rather than cvs checkout. This means that no CVS directories appear in the operations version of a <supporttop> . This directory area should never be modified once operational <ioctops> start using it. If a modification is required a new (possibly patch) release must be made using the methods described in this document.

Installing a patch release to the operations area

Patch releases are installed in the operations tree exactly like any other release, using the commands:
cd <operations>/RX.XX.X/support/<supporttop>
cvs -r export -d x-y-i -r Rx-y-i support/<supporttop>
cd x-y-i

7.5.3. Managing a <supporttop> from another Repository

This applies to products like EPICS base, allenBradley, mpf, etc. The basic rules are: If possible the local release tags assigned to products maintained elsewhere should identify the imported release. For example epics base would be imported with a command like:
cvs import -m "import base 3.13.1" support/base base release3-13-1
After making and committing any local configuration changes this would be given a tag of R3-13-1. If it is necessary to patch this release of base, the first patch tag would be R3-13-1-asd1.

The following examples are for mpf. Assume that the first version of mpf is version 1-1 and the second version is 2-1.

Importing for the first time

Assume that a tar file containing version 1-1 of mpf has been extracted into the directory <working>/mpf
cd <working>/mpf
cvs import -m "Import mpf version 1-1" support/mpf mpf release1-1
cd <working>
/bin/rm -rf mpf
Now checkout the new product from the main branch, make local changes, tag it, and delete the working copy.
cd <working>
cvs checkout -d mpf support/mpf
cd mpf
    make and test local configuration changes
cvs commit -m "Configuration changes for release 1-1"
cvs tag R1-1
cd <working>
/bin/rm -rf mpf
Only changes that are needed for the local environment should be made here, for example the config/RELEASE file should be modified. Bug fixes should NOT be applied here - see below for how to make bug fixes. The local release tag R1-1 matches the mpf version number, indicating that the software is identical to that of the official mpf release but with local configuration steps fully made.

Importing a new version

Assume that version 2-1 of mpf has been extracted from a tar file into <working>/mpf:
cd <working>/mpf
cvs import -m "Import mpf version 2-1" support/mpf mpf release2-1
    The import will indicate any conflicts that need resolving.
cd <working>
/bin/rm -rf mpf
cvs checkout -d mpf -j release1-1 -j release2-1 support/mpf
cd mpf
    Make changes to resolve conflicts and add any new local configuration
    changes needed.  The following commit is needed to remove files that have
    not been locally modified and which are not present in the new release.
cvs commit -m "Merged local changes with mpf 2-1"
cvs tag R2-1
cd <working>
/bin/rm -rf mpf
The cvs import command will report any conflicts that have to be merged by hand, and provides instructions on how to do this if it is necessary. In our example this was the case, and the subsequent cvs checkout command merged the changes between the two vendor releases onto the main branch.

Applying Local Patches

If it is necessary to make local patches to software that is maintained elsewhere, the changes must be made on a side branch. If the changes were made on the main branch then importing later versions of the product that had these changes incorporated would flag these up as conflicts that had to be resolved manually. The disadvantage is that local bugfixes which have not been included in an official release will have to be re-applied on another new branch, but this can be regarded as an incentive to ensuring that the official maintainer be sent copies of all bug fixes found.

Assume that it is necessary to apply a patch to version 1-1 of mpf:

cvs rtag -b -r R1-1 B1-1 support/mpf
cd <working>
cvs checkout -d mpf -r B1-1 support/mpf
cd mpf
    make any necessary changes and commit them
cd <working>/mpf
cvs tag R1-1-asd1
cd <working>
The new release tag that operations should install is R1-1-asd1.

Exporting a new release to the Operations Area

Releases are prepared for operations just like for a <supporttop> being maintained in the local repository.

7.6. IOC Management

7.6.1. Overview

The procedures for <ioctop>s are designed so that simple changes to the operational tree are easy. It is expected that there will be frequent (weekly or even daily) small changes such as adding database records, changing HOPR, LOPR values, etc. All these minor changes are made on a side branch rather than the main branch of the cvs tree. Developers check out a private copy of this branch. The operational area, from which the iocs are booted, has the same branch checked out. Changes appear in the operational area by a developer committing changes and operations performing cvs updates.

The following diagram shows how an <ioctop> evolves over time.

Evolution of an
<ioctop> over time

A new branch is needed when:

Assume the current operational system is
Each <ioctop> application developer has a private area
Both of these areas have been checked out via the commands
cd <somewhere>/ioc/<ioctop>
cvs checkout -d 1 -r B1 ioc/<ioctop>
cd 1
All cvs commands issued in an <ioctop>/1 area will be made to the B1 cvs branch. Until it is time for a new release no changes are made to the main cvs branch.

Assume that a new release of epics is available, which requires a new side branch for <ioctop>. The following steps are taken by whoever is preparing it for the new epics release:

Step 1

The main branch is checked out of the repository and the B1 changes merged back into the main branch.
cd <somewhere>
cvs checkout -d <ioctop> ioc/<ioctop>
cd <ioctop>
cvs update -d -j B1
cvs commit -m "B1 merged into main branch"
This is shown in the diagram as "B1 merged into main branch".

Step 2

Changes can be made to <ioctop> and committed without affecting the B1 branch. During this step the major development work needed is done on the main cvs branch.

Step 3

When it is ready for use by other application developer's and/or operations, a new side branch B2 is created. The R2 tag also created below marks the file versions at the root of the new branch for later reference.
cd <somewhere>/<ioctop>
cvs commit -m "changes for new epics release"
cvs tag R2
cvs tag -b B2
cd <somewhere>
/bin/rm -rf <ioctop>

Step 4

The new area is checked out via the commands:
cd <somewhere>/<ioctop>
cvs checkout -d 2 -r B2 ioc/<ioctop>
Changes can be made independently on either branch B1 or B2, and iocs can be booted from either area. Once all iocs are successfully using B2, the B1 cvs branch, operations 1 area, and any 1 private areas are "abandoned", i.e. they no longer need to be maintained. The abandoned branch ends in a hollow box in the diagram.

IMPORTANT WARNING. While B1 and B2 are both active, it is the application developer and operations responsibility to make any changes to both releases. This starts from the time step 2 is performed until B1 is no longer active. The diagram identifies this period with "dual changes". CVS can help with this task, but in most cases it will probably be easier and just as quick to make and commit the same change in both areas.

The diagram shows that the same steps are followed for branch B3.

Why is minor development done on a branch?

Development is done on a branch so that when a new branch becomes the operational branch, nothing has to be done to get the operational tree on the latest release - it is already using it!

If development were done on the main cvs branch, then when new development got to the point where it was desired to make this the new operations release, a new release would have to be generated on a side branch and the official area switched to use the new release. In practice at APS this time has often only been known once the system was already operational. The only easy way to prove that the new release is really ready is to run it in an operational mode. By then however, operations staff are already saying: "It works, please leave it alone."

Versions of a branch

<ioctop> developers may want to create a tag on a branch before and after making extensive changes to the branch or before merging a branch back onto the main tree. These tags should always be of the form Rx-y where x is the branch and y is a minor release number. This if the current branch is B2 then the tags are R2-1, R2-2, .... These tags are NOT created for the purpose of creating operational releases. They are only to tag snapshots of the cvs repository at key moments.

7.6.2. Developer's Cookbook

General Guidelines:

Check Out an <ioctop> branch

cd <ioc>/<ioctop>
cvs checkout -d x -r Bx ioc/<ioctop>
cd x
    all development is done here
where x is the branch desired. For example if B1 is the current branch than x is 1.

Committing Changes

Be Careful. Remember that when operations performs updates and builds in the operations tree the operational system will be using your modifications. During operational periods only changes really needed for operations should be committed.
cd <ioc>/<ioctop>/x
    commit ONLY the files actually changed
Now prepare instructions for what operations should do. The instructions should specify cvs updates and makes at the lowest level possible. Do NOT just give instructions to go to <ioctop>/x and update and rebuild.

7.6.3. Operations Cookbook

Ask for detailed instructions from developer's about where to perform cvs updates and makes.

7.7. Additional Guidelines for Operations

Backup each <ioctop>

Because <ioctop>s can be modified, it is possible that a developer could perform cvs commits that will break an operational system when a cvs update is done in the operations area. In order to prevent a major problem, procedures should be in place to backup all <ioctop>s on a regular schedule when the facility is on an operational period. Procedures should also be in place to restore a particular <ioctop> from the backup.

Application developers must be aware that only minor changes should be made during operational periods. When a developer makes a change commits should be made only to the necessary files rather than commits at the top level. He/she should instruct operations about what should be updated and rebuilt, i.e. update just the files necessary and only build the components affected by the updates.

Updates in <ioctop> areas

Because application developers can accidentally commit changes that would break the operational system care should be taken when performing cvs updates on an <ioctop> in the operations area. A good idea is to do the following before any updates:

Wherever you plan to issue a cvs update first issue the command

cvs -n update
which will list the files that are liable to be changed. Then on any files you want to update issue the command
cvs diff -r Bx <filename>
where Bx is the current branch tag, to see the modifications that have been committed. Only if you are satisfied with these changes should you perform the actual update.


This file should contain
which makes cvs ignore all O.* files .
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