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Chapter 11: eg - Event Generator

Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory

1. Introduction

The support for the global event system has been designed to allow application developers to control the APS event generator and receiver boards. This is done by the use of four new record types: eg, egevent, er, erevent. These records are customized and are only supported by the device support modules for the APS event generator and receiver boards.

The use of the global event system and its associated records should not be confused with the vanilla EPICS events and the associated event records. They are very different.

The Event Generator

The Event Generator is used to generate global event codes and send them out to one or more Event Receivers. A group of interconnected event generators and receivers is referred to as an `event circuit.' There may be more than one event generator on the same event circuit. And it is possible for a single IOC to be part of multiple event circuits.

EG Records

The eg record type is used to select the options of a specific event generator card. In order to properly configure it, you should first be familiar with its operating modes. This is specified in the document "Event System" by Frank Lenksus.

2. Field Summary

Field  Type       DCT  Initial  Access  Modify  Rec Proc   PP   
OUT    OUTLINK    Yes           No      No      No         No   
MOD1   RECCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
R1SP   DOUBLE     Yes  0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
MOD2   RECCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
R2SP   DOUBLE     Yes  0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
LMD1   RECCHOICE  No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
LMD2   RECCHOICE  No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
FIFO   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LFFO   GBLCHOICE  No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
CLR1   CHAR       No   0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
CLR2   CHAR       No   0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
TRG1   CHAR       No   0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
TRG2   CHAR       No   0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ENAB   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LENA   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
TAXI   LONG       No   0        Yes     Yes     Yes        No   
LTAX   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         No   
VME    LONG       No   0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ETE0   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET0    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET0   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE1   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET1    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET1   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE2   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET2    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET2   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE3   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET3    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET3   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE4   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET4    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET4   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE5   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET5    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET5   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE6   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET6    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET6   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
ETE7   GBLCHOICE  Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
ET7    LONG       Yes  0        Yes     Yes     No         Yes  
LET7   LONG       No   0        Yes     No      No         Yes  
VAL    CHAR       No   0        Yes     No      Yes        No   

3. Field Descriptions

Name  Summary              Description                                                       
OUT   Output Link          Specifies the link number of the event generator board.           
                           Only the `Card' value of the link specification is used.          
MOD1  Mode Select for      Used to select the operating mode of event sequence               
      RAM 1                RAM1 or RAM2. It is important to know that the                    
                           configuration of the events in the RAM may not be altered         
                           unless it is either `Off' or in `Alternate Mode'.                 
                           Should a configuration attempt be made when the RAM is            
                           not in one of these modes, it will be deferred until the          
                           RAM mode is changed to either `Off' or `Alternate'.               
                           When MOD1 is set to alternate from any other mode, MOD2           
                           will also be set to alternate. If MOD1 is changed from            
                           alternate to any other mode, MOD2 will be set to off.             
MOD2  Mode Select for                                                                        
      RAM 2                                                                                  
R1SP  RAM 1 Speed          Event clock 1 rate in Hz. This must be set to the clock rate      
                           of the signal source on the Event CLK 1 input. It is only         
                           used to calculate the `desired position' value of events          
                           that are placed into the sequence RAM. These events are           
                           specified by the use of `egevent' records.                        
                           If all `egevent' record types that use the generator being        
                           configured will be using `Clock Ticks' as their `Delay            
                           Units' the value placed into R1SP is not used and may be          
                           left as zero.                                                     
R2SP  RAM 2 Speed                                                                            
LMD1  Last Operating                                                                         
      Mode 1                                                                                 
LMD2  Last Operating                                                                         
      Mode 2                                                                                 
FIFO  FIFO Enable          Used to enable or disable the input-fifo on the generator         
                           board. The fifo is used to allow more than one event              
                           generator to exist on the same fiber-optic line.                  
LFFO  Last FIFO Enable                                                                       
CLR1  Clear RAM 1          Performing a `put' operation on this field causes sequence        
                           RAM1 or RAM2 to be cleared. The use of this field is              
                           undefined (and will cause great problems) if there are any        
                           `egevent' records configured in the database. This is             
                           provided for testing purposes.                                    
CLR2  Clear RAM 2                                                                            
TRG1  Manual Trigger       If a `put' operation is performed on this field, a one-time       
      RAM 1                trigger on sequence RAM1 or RAM2 will be initiated. The           
                           result would be that same as if there were a hardware             
                           trigger applied to the `Event TRG1' input on the card.            
TRG2  Manual Trigger                                                                         
      RAM 2                                                                                  
ENAB  Master Enable        Master card enable. No events are generated unless the            
                           card is enabled. In general, there should never be any            
                           reason to disable an event generator. This is provided for        
                           testing purposes.                                                 
LENA  Last Master Enable                                                                     
TAXI  Taxi Violation Flag  This is set to a non-zero value when there has been a taxi        
                           violation. It simply reflects that state of the violation         
                           signal on the taxi receiver module. Taxi violations can not       
                           occur when FIFO is set to `Off.'                                  
LTAX  Last Taxi Violation                                                                    
VME   Manual Event         Used to send out a one-shot event code. A put to this field       
      Generation via       will cause the event to be sent. It appears to be zero if it is   
      VME Access           ever read. This can be `OUT-LINKed' to by an other                
                           record in order to generate an arbitrary event when it is         
ETEn  Event Trigger        (n=0-7) These are the enables for the trigger event inputs        
      Enable               on the card. They must be set to `On' in order to send the        
                           trigger event codes.                                              
ETn   Event Trigger        (n=0-7) These are used to program the event codes that            
                           correspond to the trigger event inputs on the card.               
LETn  Last Trigger Event   (n=0-7)                                                           
VAL   Value                Not Used.                                                         

4. Record Processing

It is intended that eg records be set to passive processing only. They are not altered by the device support code in response to being processed. Their purpose is only to specify the operating modes of the event generator and, as such, are processed if and when a value in it is altered by a put operation. To start things going, however, they should have their `process at init' flag set to YES.

As an observation, it is not advisable to alter the R1SP or R2SP fields. You may, but then all related egevent records must be processed again, in order to recalculate their desired position values. The MOD1 and MOD2 fields can also cause some nasty side effects if they are altered between any two non-off modes. In general, the operating mode should be set to OFF and then to some other mode if it is desired to switch between two modes.

5. Device Support

The device support module for the event generator may be used by eg and egevent record types.

In order to configure the event generator device support, a call must be made to set the address for each of the event generator cards present in the IOC. This configuration call is as follows:

  EgConfigure(<card number>, <Base address in A16>)
The <card number> field may be 0-4 and is used to specify which card is to be configured. This is the card number that is referenced in the eg and egevent records when building the database. The <Base address in A16> field is a 16-bit number that represents the address of the card in the A16 memory space.

Database records that specify card numbers that are not configured will generate `bad field' errors when they are initialized by iocInit. And will then be ignored by the event generator device support if ever processed.

6. Event Records

The regular EPICS event records may be used when it is desired to cause a record to process upon a given event code by the global event system. This is accomplished by configuring an event record (the regular EPICS event record) and selecting the APS event receiver for the DTYP field. The card and signal are then used to select the event receiver card and event number, respectively. Any time the event number specified is received by the event receiver, that event record will be processed.

This is the only relationship between the vanilla EPICS event codes (and their associated records) and the global APS event system.

7. Event System Observations

This section describes a few observations that would otherwise be left to experimentation for the user figure out. Much of the annoyances described here have ben left in the system because there are simple work arounds, or they represent situations that should never be encountered on a running system.

Event Generator Sequence RAM Modes

It is intended that the modes of the eg never be altered. It was considered that the MOD1 and MOD2 fields be made SPC_NOMOD fields. But, during the system testing of the event hardware itself, it became useful to be able to make adjustments to the operating mode. Thus the ability to change the mode was put into the record and device support. However, exactly what is done when the mode is changed is probably not useful to the database designer.

First of all, remember that the sequence RAMs can not be updated unless they are either in ALT mode or OFF. This is due to the hardware constraints. In order to alter a sequence RAM that is not set to ALT or OFF, the RAM must be changed to one of those modes, altered, and then reset back to the desired mode. (No it is not reasonable to do this automatically.) Should the mode be carelessly altered, the EG card will have the mode updated, but the sequence RAM(s) will not be updated again until the mode is set to ALT or OFF. (In an actual application program, it is not reasonable to think that the operating modes of the sequence RAMs will be changed.)

Unless you have a strong need to use more than one sequence RAM at the same time, it is strongly recommended that the ALT mode be used. This is so that you may alter the event positions on the fly when debugging.

EGevent Records

The delay selected in an egevent record is done by specifying the desired period of delay. The period is converted to click ticks by the use of the R1SP and R2SP values specified in the eg record. Since only one event code may be in any single sequence RAM position at any given time, any collisions are resolved at RAM load time by scanning for the `next' unused position. Thus it is possible that the same database end up loading the RAMs in two different images depending on the order that the records get processed (that earlier records get higher priority.) If this causes problems, it is recommended that the units of delay be specified in `clock ticks' and that the same delay values not be used in multiple records.

The use of `clock ticks' as the delay units specification will eliminate the rounding caused by the conversion from alternate units into clock ticks.

ER Interrupts

It should be obvious that the event system is capable of generating VME interrupts at a rate that far exceeds the CPUs ability to process them. Much care should be put into the design of the databases that control the event system so that this does not happen. It has been observed that when such a problem does occur, vxWorks dies and prints "Work queue overflow" on its console.

8. Example Database for Global Time Synchronization

This section describes a few example database records that are used to set up the event system. The records shown here are those used by the global synchronous timing system. This provides a good example of event generation from database records as well as from trigger inputs. It also includes a heartbeat generator that is required by the event system itself.

Timing System Overview

The example timing system uses a free running 1000 hertz clock. This clock is input on the TRG0 line of the EG card on the master timing IOC. Each time the TRG0 input is pulsed, an Increment Time Stamp (0x7C) event should be sent out so that the ER cards can update their notion of the time.

Additionally, the timing system has to take care of high order counter truncation and slave resynchronization. This is handled by the use of the Reset Time Stamp Counters (0x7D) event (the processing of the time stamp information is described in more detail in the document on the global timing system.)

Event Generator Database Records

The records related to the event generator card are used to initialize and generate events. The eg record used on the timing system master is:

record(eg, "$(prefix)_eg")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "Passive")
        field(PINI, "YES")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "APS event generator G")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "0")
        field(OUT, "#C0 S0 @")
        field(MOD1, "Off")
        field(R1SP, "0")
        field(MOD2, "Off")
        field(R2SP, "0")
        field(FIFO, "NO")
        field(ENAB, "YES")
        field(ETE0, "YES")
        field(ET0, "0x7c")
        field(ETE1, "NO")
        field(ET1, "0x0")
        field(ETE2, "NO")
        field(ET2, "0x0")
        field(ETE3, "NO")
        field(ET3, "0x0")
        field(ETE4, "NO")
        field(ET4, "0x0")
        field(ETE5, "NO")
        field(ET5, "0x0")
        field(ETE6, "NO")
        field(ET6, "0x0")
        field(ETE7, "NO")
        field(ET7, "0x0")
The important items of note are that ENAB is YES, ETE0 is YES, ET0 is set to 0x7C, and that the record be set to process at init time. The scan should always be set to passive since it only makes sense to process the record when the field values change.

In order to take care of the heart beat (0x7A) and time stamp reset/resync (0x7D) events, longout records are used that have their output links pointed to the VME field on the above eg record. When they are processed, the VAL field of the longout record is sent out on the event system.

record(longout, "$(prefix)_hbeat")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "1 second")
        field(PINI, "NO")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "0")
        field(OUT, "$(prefix)_eg.VME  PP NMS")
        field(DOL, "122")
        field(OMSL, "supervisory")
        field(EGU, "rocks")
        field(HOPR, "0")
        field(LOPR, "0")
        field(HIHI, "0")
        field(LOLO, "0")
        field(HIGH, "0")
        field(LOW, "0")
        field(HHSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(LLSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(HSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(LSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(HYST, "0")
        field(ADEL, "0")
        field(MDEL, "0")
        field(SIOL, "0")
        field(SIML, "0")
        field(SIMS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(IVOA, "Continue normally")
        field(IVOV, "0")
record(longout, "$(prefix)_resync")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "10 second")
        field(PINI, "NO")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "0")
        field(OUT, "$(prefix)_eg.VME  PP MS")
        field(DOL, "125")
        field(OMSL, "supervisory")
        field(EGU, "rocks")
        field(HOPR, "0")
        field(LOPR, "0")
        field(HIHI, "0")
        field(LOLO, "0")
        field(HIGH, "0")
        field(LOW, "0")
        field(HHSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(LLSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(HSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(LSV, "NO_ALARM")
        field(HYST, "0")
        field(ADEL, "0")
        field(MDEL, "0")
        field(SIOL, "0")
        field(SIML, "0")
        field(SIMS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(IVOA, "Continue normally")
        field(IVOV, "0")
There should be nothing interesting about the longout records described above. The only important thing is that they properly point to the VME field of the eg record.

Event Receiver Database Records

The records used in the event receiver database are used to initialize the event receiver card. The er record used in the receiver database is:

record(er, "$(prefix)_ER")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "Passive")
        field(PINI, "YES")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "APS event receiver")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "0")
        field(OUT, "#C0 S0 @")
        field(ENAB, "YES")
        field(TRG0, "Disabled")
        field(TRG1, "Disabled")
        field(TRG2, "Disabled")
        field(TRG3, "Disabled")
        field(TRG4, "Disabled")
        field(TRG5, "Disabled")
        field(TRG6, "Disabled")
        field(OTP0, "Disabled")
        field(OTP1, "Disabled")
        field(OTP2, "Disabled")
        field(OTP3, "Disabled")
        field(OTP4, "Disabled")
        field(OTP5, "Disabled")
        field(OTP6, "Disabled")
        field(OTP7, "Disabled")
        field(OTP8, "Disabled")
        field(OTP9, "Disabled")
        field(OTPA, "Disabled")
        field(OTPB, "Disabled")
        field(OTPC, "Disabled")
        field(OTPD, "Disabled")
        field(OTL0, "Disabled")
        field(OTL1, "Disabled")
        field(OTL2, "Disabled")
        field(OTL3, "Disabled")
        field(OTL4, "Disabled")
        field(OTL5, "Disabled")
        field(OTL6, "Disabled")
        field(DG0E, "Disabled")
        field(DG0D, "0")
        field(DG0W, "0")
        field(DG1E, "Disabled")
        field(DG1D, "0")
        field(DG1W, "0")
        field(DG2E, "Disabled")
        field(DG2D, "0")
        field(DG2W, "0")
        field(DG3E, "Disabled")
        field(DG3D, "0")
        field(DG3W, "0")
Much like the eg record, the only interesting to note is that this record is passive and processed at init time.

Now, in order to cause an IRQ to occur when the reset/resync time stamp event is received, we use the following erevent record:

record(erevent, "$(prefix)_erevent7d")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "Passive")
        field(PINI, "YES")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "APS event receiver")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "0")
        field(OUT, "#C0 S0 @")
        field(ENAB, "Enabled")
        field(ENM, "0x7d")
        field(OUT0, "Disabled")
        field(OUT1, "Disabled")
        field(OUT2, "Disabled")
        field(OUT3, "Disabled")
        field(OUT4, "Disabled")
        field(OUT5, "Disabled")
        field(OUT6, "Disabled")
        field(OUT7, "Disabled")
        field(OUT8, "Disabled")
        field(OUT9, "Disabled")
        field(OUTA, "Disabled")
        field(OUTB, "Disabled")
        field(OUTC, "Disabled")
        field(OUTD, "Disabled")
        field(VME, "Enabled")
Interesting points here are that the output link field points to the same ER card as the above er record. The event number specified in the ENM field is the reset/resync time stamp event, and we can see that the VME field is set to ENABLED. This does nothing more than to tell the ER card that we want an IRQ on event number 0x7D. Note that we could also have turned on any of the output pulse/level outputs as well.

We need not include a record to enable anything on the increment time stamp or heart beat events as they are handled by the ER card automatically.

Exactly what happens when the IRQ arrives for event 0x7D is described in detail in the global timing documentation. Suffice it to say that the timing system registers a callback with the event receiver driver that gets called upon receipt of the event.

Should you desire to process a database record upon the receipt of an event (in this case event number 0x7D) you may use a regular EPICS event record and set it up like this:

record(event, "$(prefix)_event")
        field(DESC, "")
        field(ASG, "")
        field(SCAN, "Passive")
        field(PINI, "NO")
        field(PHAS, "0")
        field(EVNT, "0")
        field(TSE, "0")
        field(TSEL, "0")
        field(DTYP, "APS event receiver")
        field(DISV, "1")
        field(SDIS, "0")
        field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
        field(PRIO, "LOW")
        field(FLNK, "$(prefix)_calc1.PROC PP MS")
        field(INP, "#C0 S125 @")
        field(SIOL, "0")
        field(SIML, "0")
        field(SIMS, "NO_ALARM")
Interesting tidbits here are that the record's INP link is set to the ER card, the signal number is set to the event number of interest, and that the forward link field be set to the record you wish to process upon receipt of the event code. Remember also that the VME interrupt must be enabled for the desired event code (in this case, 125 (0x7D)) by the use of an erevent record type for the same event number, that has the VME field set to ENABLED.

9. Event System Observations

This section describes those items that might otherwise be overlooked by the overwhelming detail of the record support fields. Here we provide a simple overview of the ways events can be generated by the EG card and what can be done with them by the ER card.

Event Generator Input Sources

50 ohm Trigger Inputs

The Event Generator hardware can generate event codes from 50 ohm input sources. The event codes generated are configured in the ET0-ETn fields and enabled by the ETE0-ETEn fields in the event generator record. The trigger inputs are edge sensitive and generate the event code placed in the corresponding ETn field of the EG record.

Software (EG records)

It is possible to generate any event code at any time by writing it to the VME field of the eg record. The VME field has a `write-only' kind-of operation. Reading it will always return the value zero and not cause any events to be transmitted.

Sequence RAMs

The sequence RAMs are programmed by the use of the egevent records. Each record represents a single event code that is placed into a sequence RAM. The record describes the event code number and its position in the RAM (in terms of time offset from trigger.) If the RAM is enabled in the eg record, and a trigger is present (either 50 ohm input or by writing a value to the eg records TRGn field) the sequence RAM will be cycled thru and the present events will be sent out.

Event Receiver Outputs

The event receiver has many output configurations available. This section provides an overview of each one.

One Time Output Pulse

Any given event can generate a one-time one microsecond output pule if the output pulse enable is set for the desired signal in the er record and the related trigger bits are set in the mapping RAM via an erevent record.

Programmable Delay and Width Pulse

Any given event that is received can cause a pulse to be generated after a specified delay, and last for a specified width. The delay and width values are specified for the desired signal by the er record's DGnD and DGnW fields. It has to be enabled by the use of the DGnE field as well and the corresponding bits have to be set in the mapping RAM by the use of erevent records.

Level Outputs

Any pair of events may be used to toggle an output signal by enabling it in the er record and by setting the corresponding bits in the mapping RAM by use of a erevent records.

Special One Time Output Pulse

These outputs are designed such that if the event code has its high order bit set, the seven low order bits are presented on these output lines as 1 microsecond pulses. The idea here is that you can have up to seven pulses generated simultaneously. This mode is NOT configurable, but can be enabled on a per-bit basis.

VME Interrupt and Record Processing

The er board is capable of generating a VME interrupt upon receipt of an event code. This is enabled via an erevent record that has the VME field enabled. When this is done, an regular EPICS event record can be processed when the IRQs are received. The event record to be processed has to have its scan rate set to "I/O Intr" mode. The card and signal fields in the event record's link are used to specify the ER card number and the event number that is to cause the record to be processed.

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