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One or more beam-driven TM dipole modes of an RF cavity, with data from a file.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
BIN_SIZE $S$ double 0.0 bin size for current histogram (use 0 for autosize)
N_BINS   long 20 number of bins for current histogram
RIGID_UNTIL_PASS   long 0 don't affect the beam until this pass
USE_SYMM_DATA   long 0 use "Symm" columns from URMEL output file?
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
XFACTOR   double 1 factor by which to multiply shunt impedances
YFACTOR   double 1 factor by which to multiply shunt impedances
CUTOFF $HZ$ double 0.0 If $>$0, cutoff frequency. Modes above this frequency are ignored.
OUTPUT_FILE   STRING NULL Output file for voltage in each mode.
FLUSH_INTERVAL   long 1 Interval in passes at which to flush output data.

This element is similar to TRFMODE, but it allows faster simulation of more than one mode. Also, the mode data is specified in an SDDS file. This file can be generated using the APS version of URMEL, or by hand. It must have the following columns and units:

  1. Frequency -- The frequency of the mode in Hz. Floating point.
  2. Q -- The quality factor. Floating point.
  3. ShuntImpedance or ShuntImpedanceSymm -- The shunt impedance in Ohms/m, defined as $V^2/(2*P)/x$ or $V^2/(2*P)/y$. Floating point. By default, ShuntImpedance is used. However, if the parameter USE_SYMM_DATA is non-zero, then ShuntImpedanceSymm is used. The latter is the full-cavity shunt impedance that URMEL computes by assuming that the input cavity used is one half of a symmetric cavity.

The file may also have the following columns:

  1. beta -- Normalized load impedance (dimensionless). Floating point. If not given, the $\beta=0$ is assumed for all modes.
  2. xMode -- If given, then only modes for which the value is nonzero will produce an x-plane kick. Integer. If not given, all modes affect the x plane.
  3. yMode -- If given, then only modes for which the value is nonzero will produce an y-plane kick. Integer. If not given, all modes affect the y plane.

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Robert Soliday 2004-04-21