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Multipole kick element with coefficient input from an SDDS file.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 length
TILT $RAD$ double 0.0 rotation about longitudinal axis
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DZ $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
FSE   double 0.0 fractional strength error
N_KICKS   long 1 number of kicks
SYNCH_RAD   long 0 include classical synchrotron radiation?
FILENAME   STRING NULL name of file containing multipole data
SQRT_ORDER   long 0 Order of expansion of square-root in Hamiltonian. 0 means no expansion.

This element simulates a multipole element using a 4th-order sympletic integration. Specification of the multipole strength is through an SDDS file. The file is expected to contain a single page of data with the following elements:
  1. An integer column named order giving the order of the multipole. The order is defined as $(N_{poles}-2)/2$, so a quadrupole has order 1, a sextupole has order 2, and so on.
  2. A floating point column named KnL giving the integrated strength of the multipole, $K_n L$, where $n$ is the order. The units are $1/m^n$.
  3. A floating point column named JnL giving the integrated strength of the skew multipole, $J_n L$, where $n$ is the order. The units are $1/m^n$.

The MULT element is also available, which allows the same functionality without an external file.

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Robert Soliday 2004-04-21